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Ainars Apalais

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Everything posted by Ainars Apalais

  1. Hi Justin Regarding the cannons, I decided to go the easy way- bought already made. For the next model I will try to make them by self as new interesting challenge.:) From my memory"Caldercraft" was manufacturer for them. From package they coming as polished brass finish. I just applied one coat with black primer spray. After that 2 cots with black enamel/mat paint. Only for paint I use brush to create more rough finish. For all wood parts I use Wipe-on poly/clear satin/minwax finish. I apply 3 coats and sanding between them with high grade/600,100,2000/sanding pads. Looks like anyone have different approach how to finishing they models. But the way how I did it satisfies me, and I think it looks pretty good. In any case, I hope the information above will help you build your model, that already looks beautiful.
  2. Thanks everyone for the very nice comments. It is a pleasure to try as best I can. If someone appreciates your work. Thanks one more time to all.
  3. Hi all Finally that moment has come. When I can say the work are completed. I just recently added last missing piece - main mast. Thanks one more time to ChadB for all details for that. And with that, the model is done. I have already started work on stand and display case. So one more small/last build update will coming soon. Thanks to anyone for help and good words.
  4. Siggi,full respect to you. Excellent painting work!!!
  5. Amazing work!!! Even the every smallest detail looks perfect.
  6. Hi all ship mates. Small update of my build process. I start accept the idea that there is not much left until the model will be finished
  7. Thanks gents for nice commendations. It is pleasure to build something If others like your work.
  8. Hi Justin My Idea to add locker, pump room comes from ChadB built model. Thanks him for inspiration. When i start build your model as a guideline i use Chadb model. "tkay11" and "AnobiumPunctatum" also help me with recommending good reference book. The Fully Framed model HMN Swan Class Sloops 1767-1780 by David Antscherl. And of course a lot advice I found here on the forum simply browsing other models. Putting all information together I create my own vision about pump/locker room details and measurements. I hope that the information provided will helps to you.
  9. I can only agree with Alex "True Masterpiece"
  10. Hi all. I decided make quick update about my cross section last time this year. I done rigging for gun carriages. Looks good for me. But next model i definitely will be made without any rigging:) Thanks to anyone. And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  11. Thanks Chad The idea about initial block was taken from "tkay11" Triton cross section build. Thanks to him for that. I just do it a little changes. I make it a little longer and with 3 carriages in one time. The principle is quite simply. I pre cut all parts by sizes and right mitre. After glue them together. Only I use glue on ends of parts/Red line/ When all milling,sawing and preparing works was done I simply cut off glued parts/Green line/. In my opinion it worked quite well. Only I'm not sure if I'd do the same if I had to make for example 20 Carriges In any case hope information given to me helps to You. Regards Ainars.
  12. HI There Finally finished my work on gun carriages. Here will be a couple of photos from the whole process. And final product
  13. I am like always excited about Your work.
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