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  1. Little update to show how I tackled the coppering on the next phase. after 5 rows I temporarily pinned a piece of spare lime allowing it to follow the hull naturally. It also helped to match up the rows to the stern and bow. Leaves me a few stealers to fill in.
  2. Will, honestly i have learnt soo much ! I found the suction pen quite useless as it wouldn’t pick up the copper sheets. I am still waiting for the powered one ! I used thin cyano and a very small tip which I changed every session. three small drops on the hull or for the awkward tiles direct. I found that for cutting and trimming to a fine detail were these Xuron XUR2175B cutters. Extremely sharp ! Generally I picked up each tile with fine tweezers and applied a small amount of cyano, positioning the tile and holding in place with a sharp pointed pick. Another useful purchase was some cyano debonder with some q tips which I used for any over spill from the cyano. I used a piece of spare wood the same thickness as the tile and temporarily pinned onto the hull and marked a line to follow after the first 7 rows. I followed this and used a few stealers at each end.
  3. Well another week and a great couple of days in the great British summer I have completed the first side ! I have learnt soo much so my port side should be even better !
  4. Will, your deck looks great ! Thanks for your information on coppering my Agamemnon it’s helped me enormously. Nearly two weeks and stripping off and restarting it’s been a hard journey for me. I made a stand to help keep the hull steady when upside down. With regard to your next stage I would suggest that you start the coppering. It would be good to watch your progress ! Always willing for suggestions and how you will start yours. PS I have been offered a Caldercraft Victory which a neighbour has started but due to health issues won’t be able to complete. One for my next build possibly
  5. Lovely day in the sun, think it’s finally getting there with the coppering !
  6. Will, these are really useful. I like the idea of the straight line of tiles at waterline. I think it will really make a difference to finishing off. The main issue I have found is some stick straight away with no chance of adjusting! Others seen to take a while. Some adhesive has over spilled but I’ll clean this up when I am nearly done. I am going to add a gore line today as suggested also. I have found that a pair of brass etch snips are best for cutting and trimming opposed to a knife. The way I have found the best so far is with a pair of tweezers and a pick. Slightly bending the tile and pushing to the edge of the existing, then releasing the tile they seem to “spring” down. I’ll post an update later showing this method.
  7. Just started the coppering ! Well what a disaster it’s been so far. It have removed circa 60 tiles and started again. Below is the result of nearly 8 hours. They seem uneven but the hull is as flat as I can make it. Any ideas or do you think I am going in the right direction ? I was going to finish with a satin clear laquer ?
  8. Thanks all for your kind comments, it’s not until i started back up that I realised just how much I missed this great hobby. Already started painting the gun ports and applying the hull details getting ready for plating. I’ll update some pics later
  9. Well, first of all apologies for not updating my post. Last was September 2018 ! However I have an excuse as I moved home which has been the most stressful thing I have ever done. My Agamemnon suffered in the move and it’s taken me a while to repair and get sorted, mainly surface damage but nothing which can’t be repaired. I have added the qtr galleries and both wale lines. However I think I have added an extra line of 3mm walnut so might remove ? I have missed working on my Abby soo much but I am looking forward to continuing.
  10. Spent the last few days making up some of the deck fittings, grates, ladders. Didn’t use the suggested 3x1mm walnut for the ladders as I thought it was too thick. Used some 0.5x2mm instead. Think I am going to stain the deck as I am not too happy with what I have done for the ‘nails’ I used Indian ink, have any of you any suggestions ? I am going to try a watered down walnut on the fittings to finish. Looking at the quarter gallery next, I have temporarily pinned the rear as the instructions, does this look about right ? Just before I trim the two top edges. The cables are for a set of candle flicker bulbs. Thanks Chris
  11. Hi Don, thanks for the kind comment. It’s a little rough in places but I am sure a little filler and sandpaper will sort it out. It’s all a learning curve. The second planking was a lot quicker than the first but I am sure that’s to be expected.
  12. Ahh thanks for that Ben, I didn’t think of that approach. I’ll try that out on a few imperfections around the gun ports. Been mithering me a bit to be honest as I wanted something which would be quite hard and most fillers I have used have been a little soft.
  13. Had a great day yesterday as it was chucking it down I spent most of the day until early evening finishing off the second planking. What a feeling ! It’s like a major milestone I didn’t think I would get to. It will need a little tidying up, filling etc. I have learned so much and on my next build will definitely be better. What do most if you use to fill the walnut ? Be interested to know. Mext will be the round house’s for the front. Thanks Chris
  14. Thanks, I know it’s goung to be a long journey and has been already but I’m full of optimism and hope I’ll get there in the end !
  15. Thanks all for the warm welcome ! It’s very appreciated Chris
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