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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. Thanks everyone for the likes, Keith I have inly used it on the caprails really, I love the sheen that you get at that level of smooth, I know people don't like gloss on models but I think it looks awesome when the light hits jt at the right angle Look who's back on the bench!!
  2. This morning I added the taffrell on the back of the quarterdeck, interestingly shaped piece curving in all directions
  3. That's f****** incredible johann, amazing work and those deadeyes look awesome
  4. Very nice work there Alex, especially at the bow there where the planks all come into the rabbet
  5. Nice job on the stairs, I will have to remember that template way of doing them next time I need some, in fact I need some now for the waist on the sirius, I will give it a go tomorrow Thanks Paul
  6. Planksheer/caprail has had its last coat of sealer and polished up to 3000 grit sandpaper,
  7. Thanks everyone for the likes and comments, I agree Keith that fourth photo im actually quite proud of, I've never tried to do shots like that before and it came out well I think, so today saw the port side timberheads made up not attached yet as they need a coat of sanding sealer
  8. It did me a bit too, I put the breech rings on with out thinking and then realised I had to rig the ends, only way I could do it, worked out ok though
  9. All four guns on the foredeck at last, not fitted yet but ready And some candid under deck shots before the skid beams go on, and one especially for Keith Port side starting tomorrow
  10. Last gun rigged and ready to be fitted, spent the rest of the day making the quarterdeck barricade, the top newel posts type thingies took some making as to small for my makeshift lathe, each one was shaped and finished by hand with a scalpel, broke a few while drilling also and ended up making 17 in the end to get these 8 that were identical and reasonable shape
  11. Final cannon completed and ironwork being treated with antique fluid for darkening I found this on the internet when looking for blackening agent some time ago, works well and gives a nice patina rather than just black, jax isn't available over here anywhere I paint a little on in situ and then wash off with water and leave to dry, one carronade to go
  12. Keith especially for you One cannon and one carronade to go for the foredeck and the guns will be finished at last, then turning the boat around and bringing the port side up to the same level as starboard, timberheads, deadeyes etc One of the planks under the chase cannon has developed a bit of a warp so going to replace that tomorrow as well
  13. That's got to be a record, well done, I only managed three this afternoon before having to dig out a new drill 0.5mm
  14. And finally for today another small milestone completed, timber heads all attached on the starboard side
  15. Sorry Keith no more frighteners, so all six guns for the quarterdeck completed, not attached yet as some cleaning and polishing of all the deck beams needs to be done and the sill on the aft most port needs fixing, cap squares not easy to make and hats off to all the guys ie BE doing it at 1/64 and smaller So four guns to finish for the foredeck and sort out the tiller mess, as you can see above I have all the ropes that were attached to the old one pulled through, how im going to reattach im not sure, I can feed a new helm through but how do I attach the ropes and a new gooseneck will be interesting
  16. Houston we have a problem, capsized!!!😁 Ha no actually this is one of those momentous moments, last pieces of the caprail being fitted after all this time
  17. Thanks everyone fir the likes and comments Druxey I think I will make a completely new one but not sure how I will get it in as the rudder goes up into the helm port cover?? Added the bitts behind the main mast and started work on finishing the quarterdeck cannons and carronades with all their fittings
  18. thanks guys, druxey I intend to make a little acrylic case to keep the cats and dust out 😉 and meddling fingers ha!!!
  19. they aren't much help at the moment, with this glorious weather we are having they only want out
  20. when removing all the pieces and replanking I looked inside and to my horror found this looking up at me the helm completely snapped in half, I have no idea how this happened and didn't know how I was going to fix it, in the end I had use long tweezer type things and feed it out the helm port, including the steering ropes, bow im going to repair/replace and thread back through im not sure, might have to jury rig something
  21. So after a 3 month break to finish the clerk of the cheques yacht the Sirius is back on the table, I decided that I didn't like some of the work I had previously done especially the ending of the quarterdeck so I cleared the deck ready for action I removed the planks at the back end of the deck and carried them back to the transon, losing the cut away from the bosses instructions added all the bolts to the waterway, carronade mounts and gratings which I hadn't done before for some reason, then moving onto finishing the quarted decks guns properly with cap squares etc
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