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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. @KeithAug thanks, I'll change the screw if it offends you 😁 the tool rest is bit thin so intend to do some work on it, not enough room for a butterfly though
  2. Keith the new kitty is doing very well thanks, fitted in like he's been here years and growing like mad
  3. Did a little bit of redesigning on the makeshift lathe adding a piece of aluminium for the tail piece
  4. False keel being cut So First question, Just to check what length should the false keel be ? Mine is coming in at 32" Im guessing the size of frigates changed quite a lot in the 30 years between these two, both at 1/48
  5. Ok I'm in, i have been debating what to build next as the sirius is getting closed to the finish line, After 17 years (with a gap in the middle) of working on a POF from scratch i thought I would do something a bit easier and where someone else has done all the research for me, thanks chuck, I purchased the Triton plans at the same time but have decided on the Winchelsea next Plans are printed, Wood is ordered
  6. Wefalck i think Gregory was just showing his excellent sense of humour, not serious.🤣🤣🤣
  7. nice redo Keith, you would only have regretted not doing it in the long run
  8. And used that as the base for the window, frames 0.8mm thick with mitered joints in the corners
  9. A little more time in the garage today, onto the Gallery, last year I had a hell of a job with these in the port side, with help from Druxey and his comet book, i got there in the end This one going much easier now I know how to do it!!! Made a template from a strip to ensure all the same size
  10. I always thought for some reason dovetail ended beams was a French thing whereas the English just let the beam down into the clamp ???
  11. I second that emotion!!!!
  12. Wash in some vinegar and then blacken Finished pin to boat with nails
  13. I took a few pictures of how I make the chains, First nice piece of oak with three pins for the different lengths required insert the wire into the hole and then wrap tightly around the pins Squeezing the ends around the pins as I go with small pliers to get the required shape Once enough turns are done I lift it off the pins and pull apart like a large spring Then cut each piece away carefully checking I am cutting the correct side and end up with seven or eight same size pieces I then flatten them in a vice and square up the cut ends ready for soldering
  14. Managed a few more hours in the garage today before it got to cold, fore channel finished and moving onto the mizzen which was fitted some time ago but not given deadeyes etc
  15. Hi Mark Sorry for not replying earlier, I use a mini hacksaw blade and cut the profile with a diamond wheel in the dremel or small vallorbe files, I have never filed the sides or edges to cut as the blade seems sharp enough after profiling, im with Druxey on this one and find the hacksaw blade thickness easier to use and scrape with heres a picture of my blade with a few different profiles cut into it, I stick the piece down also as Druxey says and glide the blade along the top I also have one in a piece of aluminium that I have found useful for profiling in situ, the shape again makes it easier to hold Funnily enough I did make one with a razor blade last week to use on the main channel where I wanted a different profile while it worked ok I still think the hacksaw blade is the way to go Just my preference I guess Hope some of this helps you decide Regards Paul
  16. Thanks Bruce, I like it, I believe some say the grain is a bit to large for the scale but when sealed and polished it looks fantastic like old furniture. I'm glad you like the new saw, they are awesome aren't they, Don't say Druxey and I didn't warn you 😁😁
  17. The shine/patina on the mahogany frames after all these years just gets better and better
  18. Getting chilly in the garage now!! @KeithAug😁, main channel completed and now working on the fore channel
  19. Hi Mark I use a diamond wheel in the dremel to cut a hacksaw blades and or razor blades to shape profile cutters
  20. Ha thanks Keith, yes shame the cold is about to engulf the garage in sunny England, I do have a heater/blower now from lidl so should be able to spend some more time than usual out there until the boss starts on about the electricity bill🤣
  21. I also spent the morning fitting my version of a moxon vice to the front of my table for holding small pieces when sanding drilling etc
  22. Small update for this weekend, deadeyes for the main channel completed and starting in the chains
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