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Everything posted by paulsutcliffe

  1. I removed the mizzen channels for polishing and also decided i was going to make my own deadeyes and will eventually remove them all from the Port side and replace As i dont have a lathe still, i used a drill to turn some aged holly and then an old broken drill shaped with a diamond disc to shape the edge of the deadeyes then parted off each one A bit of cleaning and polishing needed and maybe dyed black or brown, not sure yet
  2. A Little more progress after a few weeks of work, golf, and lots of lovely weather Second part of the caprail completed, Mizzen bitts also installed
  3. Welcome from berkshire
  4. imagine the wealth of information that could give us if it was raised like the wasa or mary rose, stunning
  5. Sorry to hear all this OC, where are you based currently??
  6. And let us know where you have found the cedar in the UK please, if it works out Thanks Paul
  7. The swinging arm I was referring to, but maybe just one was enough to hang the pots from
  8. That looks awesome but needs one on the other side or it doesn't really work for anything, needs two to make a spit Hth Regards Paul
  9. Hi there is no part number because you have to form the piece from 1/32 brass rod as per the photo, bend the ends over and insert into predrilled holes in the position shown, job done, a little ca should hold it in well enough, the block to be attached would have either an eye or a hook to move along the traveller as frankie says above which you could fit now or when rigging Hth regards Paul
  10. So sad, but why would anyone look at the Chinese knock offs at twice the price of the real thing in many cases, not sure I get it!!!
  11. I have all of the above tools you have shown, they rarely get used to be honest, plus a Proxxon mill now, this is the tool I use most, can't beat it in my opinion. Useful for everything once you get used to it Proxxon bs/e belt sander Regards Paul
  12. Bit of a milestone I think after all these years, caprail going on the quarterdeck and last quarterdeck cannon finished
  13. Stay strong mark, you can do it and licorne will be patiently waiting to come out of ordinary Best regards Paul
  14. Two carronades completed, I made some slightly thinner rope for the breeching Not sure how to display run in with breeching rope frapped up over the barrel as per the one on the right or run out on the left
  15. I showed the wife the silver eyebolts and she said the same as you @Dowmer , 'why would you do that' except she added a bit more 'why haven't you made me some earrings if you've got silver' lol
  16. Hi Dowmer, I used the silver because it is as hard as brass and hopefully will tarnish to a nice dark colour eventually, I hope, also adds a bit of interest 😁
  17. First quarterdeck carronade in the way I've added all the parts as per the AOTS Diana for the carronade but there is no rigging details in the book, breeching rope was presumably smaller than a 12lber
  18. A little more progress Berthing up all completed First two 12lb cannons and carriages with breeching rope made, eyes in the bulwark are solid silver I also just noticed the saw marks on the capstan beam in this picture so will have to sort that out now, the carriages have all their bits apart from trunnion caps which im still not sure how to make at this size and quoins
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