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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. ok so now i sanded the bulkheads very little tho i match them to the plans to me the look better i the jig now next thing will the beams to get setup then dry fit them all place
  2. here a pic of one of the bulkheads u will see on the left side of the bulkhead how over it is all of my bulkheads are like that 1 thu 14 popeye i checked of to the plans befor i did any thing the keel was fine did not need sanded at
  3. i just put all my ribs on the plans to see if its match and wow there all out i have to sand down all the ribs to match the ones on the plans by hand that a lots of work o well that the way it goes
  4. sorry book not for sale iam keeping this as a just got it tys for the great info jim
  5. ok now i got the keel out of the clamps it looks all good now so now i glued keel to front part and it is now in the jig to dry so it dont move on me so here some pic of it so far iam doing very well
  6. the book underhill says its the frist edition 1946 wow that cool iam going to have the book looked at to see what it really is now . it done not say reprint anywhere on the book just 1946 frist edition
  7. thanks jeff-e the jig u see really is nice took me 2hrs to do but works way better then the one did have . i cant glue the keel right now iam trying to take the warp out of it so right now its in the clamps all night i will be takeing them out of the clamps later to day i will have an update soon
  8. hello jpett what i did to day was build a better jig much better one
  9. tys jpett iam not likeing have to cut bulkheads 2 and 7 going to have to go thu the plans better but frist i got to make a new jig for the keel the one i have now is just to lose and it leans to the side i dont want that later today i should have an update thank u shipyard thanks harlequin
  10. thanks popeye thats the part of the build thats going to hard for me just take time like i say it will look great when i get it done
  11. i hope so to adrieke i liked working on that paddle wheer i got to wait i guess
  12. to me it still looks great the planking is nice
  13. hello all u all know that the king of the mississippi was gong very well . i have some sad news my dog houch got it to the work room where its was and houch thot it was a chew toy . i the hole front is now gone all thos hrs cry cry cry cry so for now its is on hold till i can get some parts in for it to redo the front i will give an update soon as get to it but for now i going to start the victory build have a great p.s houch watch out lol
  14. ok i have got the ribs on the keel only as a dry fit so far look good but some of the rib still need a bit of work to them yet . not goign to glue till there right here some pic
  15. tys russ thay in great shape no rips in at all just like new i will get them tommorw
  16. id like to know if the books i got for shipbuilding are any good going to buy them i want to know frist if there good thay look like thay will help me out a lot ples let me know what u all think befor i buy them yes thay are used but it great shape he want 15.00 for both books heres a pic
  17. the craftmenship on the bow is sec to none great work that u have done so far very clean keep in going
  18. tys jeff-e yes its a great ship fred liked it a lot going to make it look great going to take all the time i need
  19. really nice work u have got going there its nice and clean keep up the great work
  20. heres a bit of an update here i just did all the ribs i had to file the slots on the ribs so that thay fit the keel just right and on the ribs u will see a line at the top of the slot that so i know when i put them on the keel that thay i know thay are all seated just right there is a line on the keel as well for the same thing so far its going really well for me
  21. thank u sailor its will be a fun build and a hard build but that how life goes some times
  22. here it is this is the hms victory by corel i have looked all over the part and did a parts list it is all there now iam not building this for me its for my best friend who has passed a way so iam going to build it in is memory then put in a case this build going to be slow as u can see i had a copy of the plans make up in case i need to cut a peace out least i was thinking
  23. i got all the wood for the victory and the keel what happen was the family that i got it from took the wood out and some stuff thay forgot to put it back thay called back so i could get the parts back i was happy tys for all your help
  24. its really does look great so far 1 day i want to do that kits is that the one thats 48inch long thats a real big kit keep up the great work
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