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About Ferit

  • Birthday 01/01/1965

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    İstanbul, TÜRKİYE

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  1. Hi Popeye, Incredible... I take a break, then I see a new and beautiful ship when I re-enter the site ... Your productivity is unbelievable... Fine work as always...
  2. Hi, Thank you for the nice comment. For the frame, I used the strips that I cut from a credit or similar card. I don't know from which material the credit card is made, I just used it because it was easily accessible. The thickness is ideal and uniform. It takes shape very easily in hot air with hair dryer and keeps its shape when cooled. I provided the semicircular form by wrapping it around a pencil and giving it hot air then waiting for it to cool. I made decorations by glued some small pieces. Very strong when glued with CA... Then I painted the whole frame in gold with spray and aged it with some touches with black watercolor paint. I finished with glossy polish... For the windows glass, the glossy black thin plastic material inside a CD case was used. It was as if it was dark inside and it wasn't visible from the outside, I just wanted the effect that there was a glare in the glass. Then I glued the CD case plastic to the frame and sanded the outer parts... And some touches with gold to the sides because of the plastic was visible in black... I used those materials because I had not any idea how to find the appropriate material, they were under my hand... The inside part of the CD case is mat at the attached photo, I had used the glossy one
  3. Thank you very much for your concern and the information...
  4. Hi, Nowadays I work on lantern. I want to learn how the lanterns had been illuminated in 1600's... Candles or oil lamps or... ?
  5. Thank you for your comments and "likes"... Finally, the process of fixing the blocks to the yards is over. It's now on the queue sewing sails... No stage is easy...
  6. Thank you very much for all this information, guiding illustrations and your interest...
  7. Thank you Allan and popeye2sea, I am referring to the Frigate Berlin 1674. I thought that to fix a yard to a mast that holds a sail inflated by a strong wind to drive a heavy ship at sea is case important. Is its halyard enough to do this? Will I make a mistake if I add parrels to topsails yards? Or have I to follow the kit plan...
  8. Hi, Please let me know which yards have to be fitted to the masts by parrels... At my kit plan only main, fore, lateen and spritsail yards have parrels... There aren't any parrels on topsail, topgallant and bowsprit yards... I want to know if the kit plan is accurate... Thank you...
  9. That's exactly what I'm looking for ... Keep on following you... Keep on learning... Thank you...
  10. Hi Michael, It had been written as size, 10 mm and 6 mm. Do those sizes belong to parrel beads or spacers? I need this info because I am looking for them of 2 mm of diameter. And are they wooden spacers? Thank you...
  11. In fact, I do not believe in the historical accuracy of many kits. Except for scratch builds, it's a separate category. Even in a popular ship like Wasa, where the original exists today, where there are examples in the museum, different companies produce different Wasa kits. So if you decided to go with the kit, in my opinion it is enough to get close to the historical accuracy without waiting for it to match entirely...
  12. Hi JP, If you do not log in frequently, and if you look to the photos instead of reading all the comments, unfortunately it is inevitable to use false expression as I did... Sorry... It should be: " I'm sorry to hear that you had given up on this production when I am thinking about it; flashy ship, a good choice both as a ship model and as a manufacturer and outstanding work as expected... "
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