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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Continuation Two options of blackout of gun trunks: newer trunk and trunk from which already shot much.
  2. Hi, John, you won't prompt, from where this very evident illustration?
  3. Please , I will be glad if something from these publications is useful at construction of your model.
  4. Fair planking - Sapelly interline interval, the hull is covered with karnauben wax and a colourless semi-glossy varnish of Tikkurila (Unik the Super uretan-alkid varnish with a sheeting from UF-radiation). Details of the hull and deck details are established.
  5. Model very popular among modellers. In Russia and Ukraine this kit was on sale in two options: "San Francisco II" and "San Francisco II +". In the last option according to the arrangement between AL and the Russian firm Melanija the boat and mast top were wooden type-setting, cut out by the laser from plywood. Here I provide the description of construction of a kit "San Francisco II +" with small alterations: props of gallery, helmstock, metal details of masts and rods of anchors are replaced with the wooden; gun trunks are blackened; sails from a set are replaced. In a nose balsa inserts are established. The caulking of a deck flooring is executed by means of threads.
  6. Continuation Finishing processing of the case is made by karnauben wax.
  7. Continuation The lathe on which masts and yards Golden Star were made.
  8. Continuation Cross joints between boards of a deck flooring are drawn with a hard pencil.
  9. The model is constructed completely of kit details without any alterations, sails are also used from a kit – the first and last time, on the subsequent models from kits I unambiguously replaced them. Certain difficulties were at production of an unary planking of the hull by nut levels 1,5 mm thick– inserts from balsa helped, the geometry of the hull managed to be sustained. Other problems in the course of construction practically didn't arise unless there were no threads from a kit, it was necessary to buy in addition.
  10. Thanks for the comment, I am glad that you liked this "factory"
  11. Hi, Pat, thanks for an assessment! Here I use strings of Gutermann Skala 200, Col. 464.
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