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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Thanks Ken. Lots of ponies in the stable just waiting their turn to romp. Trying to decide now exactly what I'll build next.
  2. And also will add the 50 cal to the mount on top of the turret. 🙂
  3. Just a few more steps and will call this one done. Need to add some tools, a couple of spare road wheels, a few extra track links, and a couple of decals; then an overcoat of matt clear over everything.
  4. I was at the local Hobby Town this week and noticed a new sign in the window..."no credit required, 90 day financing available". 😅 Those RC cars are so expensive, you have to finance them similar to a 1:1 car.
  5. If you want to avoid the aftermarket jingo bop, read kit reviews before buying. There are a lot of models out there that can be built straight from the box to a very high standard, no aftermarket needed at all. People complained about the high price of Wingnut Wings kits, but the fact of the matter is, the kits needed nothing more than what came inside the box. Modern Tamiya kits are like that to a large extent, though they still manufacture and sell some kits that are very long in the tooth, and not quite as good as the more modern offerings. Somewhere, someone mentioned the 1:32 Italeri F-104's...aren't those a rebox of the Hasegawa ones? I do know Italeri did a wholly new 1:32 Mirage, I bought one and it's a beauty.
  6. Going to be a very interesting build to follow EG. Looking forward to the build and your additions of aftermarket.
  7. Thanks Denis. The rubber band tracks are a lot easier to deal with, but some tanks have a sag in the tracks which is hard to replicate with rubber band tracks.
  8. Here, everything is painted dark yellow and a clear coat has just been added to the entire model. Once the clear has sufficiently dried, will begin shading and color modulation.
  9. Great choice of kit for your plastic build, Mark. Beautiful model kit. As for color, I highly recommend this Mr Color modulation set for your Tiger. https://spraygunner.com/gsi-creos-mr-color-color-modulation-set-german-gray/ The set contains four jars of varying shades of gray along with a set of instructions on how to achieve the desired gray color modulation. Along with the paint, you'll need Mr Hobby 400 Leveling Thinner to reduce the paints. I said all that assuming you will be airbrushing your model. If you are using a brush, it's a whole different ball game.
  10. Love the British tanks, although at this time only have the Centurian...an IDF one.
  11. Here's the hull with primer and a base coat of Tamiya dark yellow paint. After detailing with washes and additional highlighting layers of paint, will begin adding accessories. And the turret is almost ready for paint, too.
  12. This Some decals don't like lacquer over top. But since it didn't give the other decals a problem, I suspect it's a matter of too heavy a coat. This is one of the limitations/difficulties of rattle can paint, a lack of flow control. Most of the time, decals will behave well to a light coat of clear lacquer, but a heavy coat will cause issues. It likely puddled here, which caused it.
  13. You are having a string of bad luck on this one OC. I don't know any easy way to fix that in place.
  14. One thing for sure...I would hate being a tanker. Cramped up inside all that steel, and can't even imagine how terribly hot it must have been inside in desert warfare. At least the modern tanks are air conditioned, but as all things do, the air conditioning probably breaks down from time to time and I would bet repairing an A/C system isn't a high priority in the big scheme of things.
  15. There's a lot more detail on the lower hull that I'm adding now. Plus, there is a set of stowage. Lots to see.
  16. Very nice work, Tom. You're getting the hang of this quickly and it looks great!
  17. Thanks, Ken. It's fun working with an armor model as they are not as sensitive to painting errors as are automobiles, aircraft, and ships. None of the parts of this model are assigned a part number. All you can do is follow the crude pictorial "instruction" sheet, that's really more of a suggestion sheet as the correct part locations are very loosely shown. It helps tremendously to have lots of reference photos from other sources. Here, I started the assembly of the upper hull and finished another set of tracks before I ran out of gas for the day. It was a good rainy day for modeling, tomorrow will try to finish up the upper hull and start getting some paint on it.
  18. Hey OC. Just found your build log. Beautiful model you're doing, and I like your choice of paint schemes.
  19. Right after reading this thread, I went out (virtually speaking) and bought a copy of "Marked for Death: The First War in the Air", by James Hamilton Patterson. It's an Audible book, and what I like to listen to while building my models. Usually I like Westerns, but it's high time I heard/read some WW1 aviation books!
  20. Love your Gotha bomber model. I'm a big fan of Wingnut Wings kits, but the Gotha was one I never acquired. Seeing yours makes me wish I had acquired one. Very interesting about the oxygen being piped to the crew, and about the 20,000 ft. service ceiling. Never read up on the history of the WW1 German bombers, but my interest is now piqued.
  21. Oh yes, I think it was probably the old DML T-72. Recall it had individual links as well. Another 80's kit.
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