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Everything posted by CDW

  1. You forgot to mention, sometimes it also involves "going broke". 🙂
  2. If she does like her mother did, my daughter will have some gray hair before it's all said and done. 😄
  3. We had a birthday party/cookout for one of our grand daughters yesterday. Can you believe she just turned 13? I sure as heck don't remember girls looking like grown women when I was 13.
  4. Wow Jack, your diorama looks super! Did you learn doing the diorama's with model railroading?
  5. Yeah, and it came from an Ace Hardware store. 😄
  6. Anybody here ever drove in West Virginia? There are some white knuckle roads there, I'll guarantee you. Some of the edges drop off immediately at the edge of pavement with no chance of recovery if your tire leaves the pavement. Falling rocks, too. But that doesn't stop those hillbillys from driving like Mario Andretti in their 4x4 pickups 🤣 When we lived there, every time we crossed the border from WV into Ohio, the Ohio State Troopers would pull us over as soon as they saw our WV tags...just to check our vehicles, tags, insurance, and registration.
  7. One day this past week, a box arrived on my doorstep that I wasn't expecting. When I looked at the shipping label, I saw a familiar name on the sender's line and realized a good friend had surprised me with something. I opened the package and found I had received this vintage 1:32 Revell Military Wrecker kit. Right up my alley! I love military wreckers, and wreckers in general. This one is much larger than the previous military wrecker I recently finished on this forum. Part of that is because it's in a larger scale, 1:32 vs: 1:35 scale, but mainly because this wrecker was larger than the Scammell. Anyway, getting down to business, I have begun assembly of the major sub assemblies and will soon begin painting them before assembling and painting/detailing the model. These vintage Revell kits were simple to build, so this one will go fairly quick. Stay tuned...
  8. That's finer than frog hair. Outstanding recovery from a near disaster.
  9. Hey, thanks Lou. Did you enjoy the drive? Glad you're back. I started working on a subject today that's familiar to you. Will post some photos of it tonight or tomorrow.
  10. Looks like he would be right at home with her. Thanks for the compliment.
  11. This reminds me of the gun that sits in front of our local VFW. I'll take a photo of it next time I go past it. In front of University of Tampa are some huge naval shore gun emplacements. Those are interesting to see, and massive. I think those might be from the Spanish American War era.
  12. Very nice kit EG, the first one I've laid eyes on. Did you order this kit or find it in a hobby shop?
  13. Thanks, Jack. If you start with a dark base color like Tamiya dark yellow, then mix 25% white, 40% white, and last 50 % white, you can achieve this effect by shooting on the layers in that order with the intent to highlight the high spots to give the model an appearance of depth. Also, I used a dark brown wash in the creases and on weld lines.
  14. I think this is one of the nicest kits Dragon has ever produced. You probably won't see many others done like this, ever. I bought the Dragon German 88 mm Flak Gun a few years ago and it came with all the turned metal extras, a very complex kit. I started building it and had some fit issues that annoyed me badly, I put everything back in the box until my mental attitude toward finishing it improved and I could work through the problems. Still need to finish that one.
  15. With the added tools, road wheel, track links, decals, and machine gun, I am going to call this one done and move on to something else. This kit was a fun departure from what I usually build. Too bad it's long out of production as it's a kit that gives a good bang for the low parts count, but occasionally it can be found at bargain prices on Ebay and at swap meets.
  16. Being the size of a grape is problematic, but fried green tomatoes are gooood. A southern USA favorite.
  17. Seeing three models of similar scale in the same photo (the Avenger is 1:32 vs the armor models 1:35) gives a good perspective on the massive size of the Avenger.
  18. What kind of veggies and flowers did you plant, Jack? We planted sunflowers and hibiscus hedges at my house this past week. They got rained on real good this afternoon.
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