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Everything posted by CDW

  1. This may be, but I'm not so sure of that. Seems to me if this were true, the inside of the coil would be flat, but it's not. The spring coils are round inside and out. For sure you can see the parting line down each outside half of the coil. but the inner coils retain their perfectly round shape. That's what I can't compute.
  2. It's the first one I've seen done in plastic as well. Can't even imagine the mold it would take to do that, then to get it out of the mold makes my head spin. Yes, this has been a fun kit to build so far. Fits together very well. The paint set sells for around $12, so the price is right. Then it's lacquer based paints as well. Dries fast and hard. Very much more scratch resistant than water based acrylics but stinks a lot.
  3. Remember when we built model cars and a detailed kit would provide a lump of plastic that resembled a coil spring? No more, this kit has the first fully formed set of coil springs I have ever seen in an injection molded styrene plastic kit. Then here are the additional suspension parts added, upper and lower control arms, hubs, tie rods, etc. Next will add some more paint to cover the newly added parts.
  4. For this model, will be using the Mr Color desert yellow modulation set. This is a four color set with varying degrees of desert yellow. The idea is to start with the darkest color first, then build on that to lighten the dark shade to give the model a feeling of depth with the paint. Four-step process. Because more chassis detail gets added in subsequent steps, it's best to get the first dark coat on now before adding more parts. This will make it easier to get the entire thing painted.
  5. Sure can't fault you for that. A lot of the old hot rodder in me, too.
  6. Lou, if you go back to my first post and click on the link I provided, there are a few photos of the 1:1 machine and how it's painted all one color. Of course, there would be nothing wrong with painting it any way you see fit. In this case, I intend to paint it in one basic color and pick out details with shading and paint modulation. Just my personal preference, no right or wrong way as far as I'm concerned. It could probably look real good in different colors if one chose to do that.
  7. Assembly of the frame rails and sub assemblies. Addition of support gussets to the chassis and other various parts. Next up are the four independent suspension assemblies.
  8. I agree. In the past, I bought resin upgrades that looked nowhere near as good as this, straight out of the box. That's the point I was trying to make in another post. There are model kits out there right now that don't need anything aftermarket, they are perfectly sufficient right out of the box.
  9. Yes, this is generally what's happening with a lot of new models these days. The detail is becoming extraordinary.
  10. Construction begins with the chassis and drive components. These sub assemblies consist of more than 40 individual parts. The parts are small and extremely well molded. Only a small amount of cleanup is needed on parting lines, and no parts yet have had any sink marks. The steering parts appear to be movable assemblies. This vehicle has very beefy chassis rails.
  11. The commander that really interests me is Kurt Knispel. Very young, this commander scored more than 160 confirmed tank kills, even upwards of 190 kills before his death in combat in 1945. One story says after his tank was blown out by a Russian T-34/85, his crew bailed out but he stayed on board, found the tank that killed his own through his periscope, then fired and killed the tank that destroyed his! He fell into disfavor after he stopped an SS guard from mistreating a Russian POW. Afterward, he was shunned by the German hierarchy and never was awarded medals or recognition he should have received.
  12. My apology to Ken, my old brain just wasn't firing on all cylinders today. He was talking about Panda, and I went and posted a photo of a Bronco model. Sheesh Anyway, here is a Panda kit I intended to show Ken. I think what you will find is that some of these companies such as Panda can come in various varieties quality. Researching build reviews can be your best friend to know ahead of time what you will get/not get. This Panda kit shown here is of a very high quality, so this is a good example of how the quality can vary. I'm guessing that Panda buys other factory products and packages them in their own box/label. This kit looks a lot like the contents found in a Rye Field or Bronco kit. Very good quality.
  13. Beautiful Mossie, OC. You deserve some kind of medal for perseverance. You really hung in there thru thick and thin.
  14. Lou Did I read you said (somewhere) that you had a Rye Field Tiger tank with all the interior details? This is one I intend to build soon, it's Michael Wittmann's Tiger I
  15. I've got a couple of Panda kits but have never looked inside. Now, after hearing about yours, will need to look. ***I took a look inside one of my Panda kits and it looks great. Huge part count for this one.
  16. Glad all of you are aboard. Will get the show on the road shortly.
  17. This is the Rye Field Models, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) in 1:35 scale The following description of the vehicle is borrowed from Wikipedia: "The Oshkosh M-ATV is a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle developed by the Oshkosh Corporation for the MRAP All Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV) program. Intended to replace M1114 HMMWVs, it is designed to provide the same levels of protection as the larger and heavier previous MRAPs but with improved mobility." Rye Field is a relative newcomer (to me) to the plastic modeling scene. The examples of their models I own are highly detailed and very well presented. The instructions are more like a high quality magazine, with 30 pages of well written instructions, full color diagrams, and reference photos. Following is an excellent link with photographs of the real vehicle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshkosh_M-ATV#/media/File:Fort_Irwin_National_Training_Center_-_M-ATV_-_3.jpg I shall begin this build within the next day or so.
  18. I'll love watching you build these. Indeed, AM was a great company and produced some outstanding models.
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