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Everything posted by samson

  1. yes it is right but also the keel changes in the same period from 390kg to 290kg
  2. Hi Mark thanks for your fine coment on my build . i look op the pagde and i hope this is the right tiddel : https://digitaltmuseum.org/search/?aq=topic:"Fritidsbåt","pojkbåt" Hawe fun
  3. Hi Denis a last update before I sew new sails and finish this project. I have found on the web a Swedish site where the original drawings for building a Kdy 15 can be downloaded. Maybe I want to build it a little bigger in order to sail with it with radio control. but now first new sails for this one
  4. hi Denis thanks for your fine comments. I actually thought about building a junior boat from scratch. but it is not to get hold of ship's drawings of it, but I have the model which is very precisely done and maybe I can measure it well enough to perform molds to build after, let's see. i build a sleds for the jib rope . and im stil building one for the other side .
  5. Hi Elijah These are some fine details you add - I love them. Cheers Jens
  6. hi omar good to hear from you . yes time goes by. I have not built on my cutty for almost 2 years, but when the desire is there I get started again - yes this is just .ting takes time.
  7. hi i look forward to following your project - cutty artesania is a very exciting and high quality building set. I myself built it 6-7 years ago and took 2-3 years to build so when you get there then do not give up but recognize that it may take years to build. I want to follow your construction and if I can be helpful I will be there. just ask. Cheers Jens
  8. Hello everyone a small update on today's work. I have recycled the olde tiller and reborn it as a flagpole - yes it was probably the last thing to put on , but it just fell right to do it now.
  9. Hi Mark It's a pleasure to see your project and I'm very impressed with your brass work, it's awesome.
  10. inspired by the video of "Beat" my old junior boat no. 274 I will now add a hanger at the mast foot. It is for ropes for the sails up and down but when I pull the rope, I pull the hanger up from the deck. I have to weld the thread iron on and stuck it firmly there is still some way to go but this is a picture I have now reached. Cheers All . Jens
  11. Hi Mark Pearse I'm glad you like my model, thank you for your comments. I appreciate that very much. Yes it is true that the junior boat is older than the folk boat the junior boat is from 1928 and the folk boat 1942. It is especially in Germany that the junior boat goes under the name folk junior. and when we talk about germany i have searched the Youtube after folke junior boats and found a few movies of approx. 1 minute variety, that is J no 274 - my junior boat. "Beat" built in 1961 for Hvidovre sailing club. I was very surprised to see it again on Youtube. Me and "Beat" J 274 erly spring 1986 Hundige havn ( aprocmary 20 km from hver it was build ) links to Youtube wideos of her. : list over all 440 build junior boats rigistredet by KDY. http://kdyjunior.dk/?page_id=121 Thanks for wotching Jens.
  12. Hi Druxey I'm glad you like my model, thank you for your comments. I appreciate that very much Jens.
  13. Hi All I thought about whether I could sail with the model and whether remote control is an option. I know that "someone" before me has tried to sail with it. and therefore has changed the keel - first by drilling holes in the lead keel - as this was too heavy obviously and then made the keel deeper - for the sake of stability. I never tried to launch the model before I changed the keel back to the original. In other words, I try to launch the model in a small tub to see its buoyancy and stability. I think the model is waterproof enough to do the experiment. as I was well aware, it is too heavy on the water because tin is heavier than iron. I have to give up the idea of sailing with it. I still want to build sails and rich as if I could sail with it - mostly the idea that I can hoist and lower sails if I want or take the mast off and on again if I want to. It also means that it must be a little ruby and not exactly perfect. a precursor to a next model that can then be remotely controlled Jens.
  14. hi - I'm done with the roof and given it varnish I now struggle to make blocks that are small and that work with a running wheel in the middle. I try to make them brass. unfortunately I am not satisfied. if the model is to be sailed with then it must work better. and if it is only for decoration then they can also look better. Im still on the project .
  15. Hi Denis yes i will clean it thoroughly and lacquer with a fresh coat of paint eventually when the worst dirt is over. There are no windows in the "cabin" because it is an open boat with a ring deck and rouf. I have found this picture on the web of someone who is overnight in a Junior boat .man can put up a boom tent, and thus it is like lying in a tent room
  16. hi Denis I have had time for a little model building and have started to change the roof it is put in two layers of veneer. in the waitting time and a little bit in between, I have built a beer box for the anchor rope and it has also become a pair of mooring cleats. so a little is being built. Ruf top gon , redy for new layer. I build a beer box for the anchor and the rope i think that is autentik for haw it was don back then . The 1. layer roof is ond and sanded redy for layer 2. Roof layer 2 is on its way .
  17. Thanks Denis i also wery pleast with the outcum of it all . the Juniorboat mens a lot to me as it vas my first real boat . and it was wirly a plessur to ovne . Unfortanly my chrismas hollyday ends this weekend so not so muts tim to bild . I still neds a new ruf on the cabin and menny things to fit the rigging and so on .- i guess it just may take the time it taks . Jens.
  18. Hi All I have painted the freeboard, I hardly thought it would dry again, so I had to turn up the heat. during the wait i had to find useful to take care of - i had to make an anchor for the model of course. And it will naturally be a umbrilla anchor - I make wood molds and mold it in the tin. Paint dryout at larst . Jens .
  19. Hi Denis, it looks good what you do - I think you now know more about Danish fishing industry and ships than I do. With the many fishing boats you have built it is a pleasure to follow your project.
  20. hi Denis yes the purpose is for sure to sail with the models that you put metal keel on - now i have not tried to put the model in the water yet. I hope it is just right on the waterline. and if so, then it may well be that I change my mind and yet will sail with it - now we must see, but first it must be painted I found online a restoration project of a junior boat and borrowed this picture - it is fun to line up the model with the right boat.
  21. Hi Denis thanks for nice words about my sails, but i will probably sew some new after all. I don't plan on sailing with the model but I can't live with the keel being as "wrong" as is the case. even if it is painted and not to bee seen at the end So there is no way out , I hawe to make a new keel. First i macke a model in wood . Then i karst one in tinn- it was an old astra that hast to go . i gess this ist the point of no return . puhhh.. .. Lukky me - ith not all to bad . Cheers
  22. I have mounted the front seal so that it can be easily put on and removed again. I have used 3mm brass pipes and cut a track that looks a bit like a S, you holler the sail 90 degrees to the wire and secure in and then turn up in to vertical. I am now going to restore the keel and the rother. It looks like someone has changed these at some point to sail with the model and then wanted a deeper and heavier balance point enny way it is gravel in my eyes to look at and MUST be fixed. The lead keel has been moved further down and adapted to this new position so that it does not fit the original position anymore, as it is now too small here. many holes have also been drilled in the lead and filled with balsa wood - he who has built the model has been serious about the messurments and weight being akurate - in fact the keel is iron - not the heavier lead. Cheers All Jens
  23. Mast on and thident up with " mast crews " . stil hawe to find a solution for maunting the front sail on weirer.
  24. Hello everyone . I have sewn a few sails, unfortunately not quite the standard I was hoping for but I continue the restoration now and then I might sew a better set later. Wiererne - on the mast is of stiff wire. I've got a soft (real Wierer) in 1.1mm - it's a gear cable for a racing bike. I'm in the process of making brace screws - don't know the name of English but hope the drawing makes sense. It is to tighten the mast with. I have faund a old pic of mee and my Juniorbåd Beat it is erly spring 1986 . Cheers All. Jens
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