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Posts posted by gjdale

  1. Hec,


    If you wish to replace any timber, then I would thoroughly recommend contacting Jeff Hayes at Hobbymill (one of the sponsors of this site). I bought some from him to scratch build a couple more of the ship's boats. Jeff's timber is excellent and his customer service is nothing short of outstanding.


    The McKay book is useful, but if I could have only one, it would be the Longridge book. I have used it more than I have used the kit instructions, particularly now that I'm into the rigging stage.

  2. Hi Hec and welcome to MSW. I'm also building this kit (link in my signature below). Be very careful about reading ahead and planning with this kit - the instructions have a habit of painting you into corners! If they haven't already done so that is. Check your QD cannons and install them BEFORE you glue the poop deck in place. The instructions tell you to fit them through the gunports - but they don't fit. As for "copper" tiling, I opted to go with the kit supplied green wood, painted copper and partially rubbed back. You can see the effect in my log - I think it looks okay, but proper copper tiles might be better if you feel inclined. I look forward to following the rest of your build - with a little (or a lot) of "bashing" this does make up into a nice model.


    The only other tip I'd give you for now, is to buy a copy of "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships" by C. Nepean Longridge. This is the "bible" for all Victory builders and has been an enormous help to me so far.

  3. Great work Kevin.


    but like always I have questions, Why are smaller deadeye always incorporated in the channel. I've always wondered as I've seen that done in many different kind of ships and never found a reason while researching. Again just curious.




    The smaller dead eyes are for things such as backstays, which run from the topmast (ie higher up), and hence use a smaller line than the shrouds.

  4. Joachim, 


    I saw your other note about putting my stagecoach build here....have you got any suggestions as to a site where it might be acceptable? By the way, I do not speak a second language...... :(





    I recall that on MSW 1.0, Danny Vadas told the story of joining a stage-coach building forum, only to be told that he wasn't welcome because he was building his from a kit and they only catered to scratch builders. Not much help I'm afraid, except as a reminder that not all forums are as friendly and well run as MSW.

  5. One option to cut the holes from card would be to make two square, hollow punches from metal tubing (say, brass) of the right size profiles - one for the window panes, and a larger one for the whole window. I haven't tried this myself, but saw the method used by one of our members here on his Korean Turtle ship model. He was cutting hexagonal roof tiles, but the principle looks to be transferable to your situation.

  6. Congratulations Anja. Of course, the selection committee here at MSW had already decided that you would have the job! After all, how could they pass up your stunning intellect, charm and youthful good looks. Brains AND Beauty! :D


    Now that that is settled, please tell your employer you need to make up for some lost time in the shipyard!

  7. I love your work Danny , so precise , so clean and such detail . I don't think there has been anything with this build I haven't admired . This is one build I would love to see in person as much as the photo's do your work justice seeing it in person I would probably dribble all over your model .



    You are quite right! I'm one of the privileged few to have met Danny's Vulture in person (oh, and Danny too come to think of it :D ). It is even better in the flesh, and the drool marks do come off!!! :D


    Lovely work on the brass Danny. The toned down finish of the blackening looks spot on.

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