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Posts posted by gjdale

  1. You guys crack me up!


    Just for the record:


    I love malt (candy) on ice-cream!

    I love single malt scotch whiskey!

    I also indulge in Maple syrup on ice-cream!

    I even have our "local" version - Golden Syrup - on ice-cream!


    Now lets put all that together, and we'll have the worlds yummiest (and most alcoholic) ice-cream. :D. Maybe Sjors could put his clown suit on and hand them around! :D

  2. Thanks folks for looking in on me - the support is always appreciated, even when I can't do any modelling! (or should that be especially then?)


    Joe - more photos once I get back to the shipyard.


    Mark - I'm starting to feel the need for copious amounts of disinfectant! :D


    Ensign - thanks for that info on sleep apnea. I'll bear that in mind.


    Once again, thank you all for your concern and good wishes. This really is a community, not just a forum. :)

  3. Hi Aldo,


    Nice to hear from you my friend and thanks for your good wishes. Along with the tonsillectomy was a UPPP, which I think is what is still giving me some grief. Despite the temptation I've stayed off the alcohol since the op - don't want to mix it with pain meds! However, the meds finish today, so that single malt is starting to look good.......


    Thanks Bill for your good wishes too.

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