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Everything posted by fish

  1. Robbyn, I see your "thing at the front of the boat" is broken, don't fret mine broke too when I was making it. The build looks good, I see you put nails in your rubbing strakes, did they come with the kit? They look like a silverish color and I do not recall any in my kit. Have you cut the new gunports yet? -Aaron
  2. Jp, What are you using to hold your ship upside-down while you install the planks? The bulkheads on the rattlesnake seem very thin and easily broken so securing the boat during planking seems like a great idea! -Aaron
  3. Are the prices really all that much better? I bought my SF2 for about 170.00 US. Most of the medium size kits at Model Shipways are around that price. What am I missing here? Aaron
  4. Yea I think it is safe to say that insanity is over. Or at least i hope -Aaron
  5. Robbyn, The nails on your rubbing strakes are from the kit? Or did you purchase other ones? -Aaron
  6. I am working on my first build and I am generally content with the quality, but if I spent over 200 US dollars on a kit I would expect better quality than this.
  7. Robbyn, Did you stain the railing on your poopdeck ebony? Did you put any planks on it before hand? I was working on mine last night, planking all the little pieces with cherry and staining them. -Aaron
  8. I don't disagree with you, just because you say something is software to get around the law doesn't necessarily make it so.
  9. I think the arguement will be made that the practicums are software and not a book, does this supreme court decision include software?
  10. I dont know what they are technically called, but the small hour-glass shaped supports on the poopdeck on your ship look like they are metal? Are they, or did you paint them that way?
  11. I have heard the same thing about the "Fair A Frame".
  12. So I remember this topic from the old forum and I thought it good to start a new thread where people can reccommend which tools not to buy for us newbies. Although I don't have one or ever bought it, the Loom-A-Line got quite a bit of attention on the old thread as being a waste of money so maybe we can start off with that! -Aaron
  13. It seems like Mamoli does a good job of marketing this kit, it looks good from the outside I have also thought about building it, but now that I have seen some feedback about the instructions and quality I will stay away from it. -Aaron
  14. Robbyn, Sometimes you just have to sacrifice some dignity for the sake of your model ship! Just think of the sentimental value you will have for that one gun port! -Aaron
  15. I am just curious as to what draws people to build this manufacturer's kits? I am working on one now and this will probably be the last. The wood in the kit was not the best quality nor are some of the metal parts. Recently I have been working with the "apple wood" and it is appalling to say the least, hideous color and brittle. I have to make it look like a different wood just to use it. The instructions are simply a loose guide to building the kit. I think I was drawn to the era of the ship I am working on, the price was not super impressive, the other thing that helped me was the amount of logs for the kit on the old MSW site. There was at least a dozen or so completed logs for the SF model. I have another kit on the shelf and I am impressed with the differences in the parts and instructions. If you are working on an AL kit, what got you to buy it? Or if you are looking at them what attracts you to them, just curious. -Aaron
  16. Hey Robbyn, looking good! I see you decided to stain your rubbing strakes ebony that seems to be the popular option. I'm glad to see you are back in full swing again. Aaron
  17. Thanks for the compliment, I will have to check I do not recall.
  18. All, Looks like I won't be doing much else until the middle of next month, I am going through shipbuilding withdrawal. I have been so busy that life is just getting into the way of my hobby! Well people before projects right? I will be eagerly watching your builds and hopefully I will get back on track this spring! Cheers, Aaron
  19. Martin, Did you purchase the bashing wood set from Hobby Mill USA? I have considered buy this kit, the practicum, and the wood set as a future build. -Aaron
  20. Wow it looks awesome, well done. The timber all over the boat is very shiny, what did you use to get this effect? -Aaron
  21. Robbyn, You probably already know my opinion but, Modelshipways is much better than AL. -A
  22. I have a topic in the wanted section for a lauck street shipyard avs practicum that I would like to remove.
  23. Thanks, good luck to you too. It is sort of disappointing that there are no east vs west games this season.
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