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Everything posted by fish

  1. Finished up the rubbing planks with a few timbers to spare. I started my side railings by attaching the pegs first. The instructions seem to indicate that the lower side rail top is even with the bottom of the upper side rail so that they can be one continuous timber this is not the case on my model. If I want them to be joined together I will need to add a connection and of course I want it to be parallel with the connection already there. This will require some measurements and planning. I've been looking ahead in the instructions and they seem to indicate that the grates are all metal but they are timber which will need to be built. AL strikes again!
  2. On my next build I'm going to try cutting the planks from sheets to fit the curves as opposed to bending. I've never done it before but the idea of a plank laying on without it be under stress seems like a good idea.
  3. So a stealer plank is used when the size of the plank is so small, it's not really possible to taper to such a small size?
  4. In David Antscherl's primer on planking, on page three he states the following: "By now you will realise that virtually all the planking will need to be cut to shape, as you cannot edge set a plank.". It would seem to me that based on the method he describes it would be beneficial to spile every plank on the hull...is this correct? On the previous page he describes how to create a stealer plank, shouldn't that be unnecessary if you are spiling? Are there instances of planks common to the every model that do not require spiling?
  5. I am afraid that my SF will end up with the same fate. This will be my first and only AL kit. Everything overall receives a poor grade, hindsight is that I fell for a good looking kit.
  6. Would you say you use a plane more on scratch builds than on kits?
  7. I have only worked on ship kits and haven't needed to use a plane so far, can some one give some examples where you would need to use a plane that are relevant to this hobby? Thanks!
  8. Eric, Your capstan looks really nice, keep up he good work! Aaron
  9. Engineer, I love this kit but I will probably never be able to build it with my current backlog and the time I have available. I will be living vicariously through you and your build, great job so far! -Aaron
  10. FINALLY finished all of the gun ports! It only took 1.5 years. I've already started the vertical rubbing strakes we will see if I have enough timber to finish.
  11. Dave, This is a good looking build. I have been working on my SF for sometime and although the directions are poor, it's definitely a good looking ship. Great job so far!
  12. So after sitting for two years I decided that I wanted to add another coat of stain onto my hull and other cherry parts. I also have cut in all of the gun ports on the starboard side and installed the rubbing strikes. The instructions seem to indicate that I should double up on the wood of the three vertical strikes. This is where I am concerned I may run out of applewood.
  13. I am really enjoying all of the detail you are putting into this log, keep up the good work! As a future snake charmer, I will be checking this log frequently.
  14. All I can say is wow, what an amazing build so far. Makes me really want to buy the wood and practicum.
  15. Robbyn, I am jealous of the sunlight, I am confined to the basement. I also noticed that you have two ships in your drydock? Did you make the bold move of attempting two builds at once? -Aaron
  16. Hi All, whoever is left out there. So saying the past two years have been busy would be a huge understatement. We now have two babies, had our house renovated, and started a new business. Needless to say this hobby has been neglected. I recently finished the gun ports on the starboard side. I installed the gun doors and I have begun working on the vertical rubbing strakes. It seems that I may run out of applewood before I finish both sides. Pictures to follow soon. I'm contemplating taking this model right up to rigging and then shelving it for the time being, it was a lot to take on a three mast ship and it may be better for me to work on my AVS. We will see..the simple plans of mice and men oft go awry.
  17. Do you know of anyone who has done the Hunt kit bash using the MS kit? I've heard it can be done but I'm wondering how difficult it would be over using the mamoli kit?
  18. Jpett, I see that's it became an extended holiday...I hope all is well. -fish
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