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Everything posted by fish

  1. I agree with eric, the AL kits are generally mediocre and they cost around the same as a model shipways kit of the same size. The SF is a good looking boat though, that is what convinced me to buy it. The instructions are inadequate and some of the parts need to be remade, but if you decide to do it you will get enough help on this site to get it built. -Aaron
  2. Spellapeaka, The SF1 kit is a double planked hull, where the SF2 is single planked. You would be able to choose which approach you wanted as many of us have the SF2 and are double planking it. The bulwarks in the SF1 extended out past the bow whereas the SF2 has smaller bulwarks with detached beaks that extend out past the bow. Since both kits have fake closed gunports, you really wouldn't be able to add any of the cannons from the first kit into the second. You could install gun blocks in your hull and get some screw in cannons which is what I wish I would of done. It would be hard to add cannons to the main deck because there isn't a lot of open room but you might be able too. Most of the other parts would just be redundant I think but hopefully others will chime in. -Aaron
  3. Wolf, Glad to see you are back, your log has been a great inspiration to me and I look forward to what you will do next. I am happy/you found time to work on it, how dare life get in the way of the build right:) Aaron
  4. Thanks Robbyn, The cherry has turned out better than I expected, and the ebony strakes really make a good contrast. You really can't beat the price for the veneers from Lee Valley, one tube is probably close to a lifetime supply Its really fun to watch the concurrent builds of this kit, you get to see how everyone is doing things different and the different outcomes such as color and style, it makes the build a lot more fun. -Aaron
  5. Update: So I had some free time last night and I got some tools in from Model-Expo that I "needed" I installed all four of the horizontal rubbing strakes after staining them ebony. I got my electric plank bender in yesterday and used it to form the curves for the strakes. So far I am happy with it, I was using the Micromark "plank-forming-jig" which worked ok, but the gaps between each jig caused the wood to splinter. Before, I found that using a jar as a template and using clips as much as possible also avoided splintering. The white background makes the boat look really red which it is not. I need to find a better background for pictures. The contrast of the black strakes against the cherry looks really good, I can't wait to see how well it looks once I installed the vertical strakes. The one strake terminated a little lower on the stern than the other so I will have to adjust it up a little prior to completing all of the other parts on the stern. I also built the poopdeck last night, all I did was measure the length of the outside of the deck and divided it by the 19 posts, which ended up with a post very 14 mm. -Aaron
  6. Eric, The paint job on your transom looks great, nice work! -Aaron
  7. Can anyone comment on adding oil to wood to make it more flexible? I have heard of this and never tried it. -Aaron
  8. Robbyn, Here is what I am referring to. I took this from Eric's thread. Its not a huge problem and you can always do what he did. -Aaron
  9. Robbyn, Did you notice in the instructions that it looks like the cahins that hold the deadeyes to the hull seem to be in conflict with some of the middle false gun ports? Maybe I am looking at this wrong, I will see if I can post a picture for you. -Aaron
  10. Check Lee Valley Tools, I think they only sell cherry veneers but they might have something else. -Aaron
  11. Robbyn, The grating on your bow is two pieces, did you deviate from the kit? I can't remember if the kit shows one or two pieces? -Aaron
  12. Is there a difference between the Amanti plank bender and the Model-Expo one? It doesn't look like it...
  13. Robbyn, Ive noticed that you have stained your limber boards ebony, I think the applewood is only good for making it look like a different type of wood. It is downright ugly. I also noticed that the limber boards do not flow evenly from each level. I am thinking about using some of my leftover cherry for the limber boards, the instructions have them as 2X5X500 mm. I don't have anything that small, all I have is 3X5 mm, I dont think the thickness will matter much? Any thoughts? I am going to try to avoid the applewood as much as possible and when I have to use it I will stain it ebony like you did -Aaron
  14. What plank bender is it?
  15. It's been a while since my last update but I have been working on the build whenever I have time. I have planked the inside of the bulwarks and I am ready to stain. I have also planked many of the smaller pieces such as the poopdeck with cherry and have stained them. I have aquired gun-port-cutting phobia from Robbyn and I have been thinking and planning on how to install the rubbing strakes and the rest of the timber on the hull. I will add pictures latter, this site doesn't like the pictures from my phone. Aaron
  16. I don't really get the fake window? Are you trying to be historically accurate or is there something I am missing?
  17. Zev Looks good, looks like you are taking your time and investing for the future planking and beauty of the model. I have this one on my shelf and I am a few years away from building it so I will be watching your build! Aaron
  18. So if wider sheets of wood are required for spilling, why don't kits come with some sheets? It seems odd to me that they don't. It also seems that for your planking to look good and proper you must use the spilling technique? Aaron
  19. Martin, I have never heard of Bill Short's practicum, is it specific for the mamoli kit? I have only heard of Bob Hunt's practicum. -Aaron
  20. Martin, Are the figurehead and trail boards part of the mamoli kit or the bash? I don't see them in my model ship ways kit. Aaron
  21. Martin, Would you post some better pictures of your build thus far? I am really interested in this build and the bashing of the kit. Thanks in advance! Aaron
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