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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Good job !! Very nicely done. patrick.
  2. Thanks it is the millitary modeler in my that likes a weathered look I have seen the Wasa at the museum. And. The outer side of the hull has a rough finish in reality
  3. Thanks for the positive reaction!! I received this kit in 1988 (for free !!) . Partially started by someone else who had built it completely wrong . What is in the box is good qwality for a fair price ! But. Ther is A LOT of extra work on this model. All visible plywood has replaced solid wood Gun ports are made open extra set of cannons for 2nd deck (correct size) Better detailed cannons on the upper decks new deck planks railing completely rebuilt wooden blocks instead of plastic ect.. And, I spent hours and hours searching for information on the Internet and books. All this extra searching and extra work to build this model. Was more satisfying than a model you can build out "of the box". Without al the thinking, searching, and improving to build this model. Greetings Patrick
  4. The making of this model was started in 2006 After visiting the Wasa museum in Stockholm. It's my 1st wooden ship model. Normally I only build military vehicles in 1/72 scale Ps, I understand and read English. But i've never learned to write it. So. All I write in English will be translated from Dutch to English with google translate. Sorry for that.
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