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Everything posted by Baker

  1. I have also experienced this. Drilling by hand sometimes gives problems and small drill bits break more easily. I am really happy with the purchase of a Proxxon machine and the flexible drill head.
  2. Secure the carriages with a screw... A bit over designed, but effective 😇
  3. Started painting The red paint first got some gray drybrushing. Then the decoration around the cannon opening was painted yellow with a gold drybrushing on top. The parts of planking that are not white, black, or otherwise colored. Are provided with some "wooden" treenails (toothpicks) The wails of "bolts" (head pins) And the plank between the wails of "nails" (fishing wire) I also started painting on the decoration, the PE parts that were included with the kit for this were a to be painted.... Base color red, decoration yellow, and over the whole a drybrushing with gold color, I really can't do better. Also started on the winch Kit parts improved part
  4. That's why I always have a small side project in between I "relax" here for a while, and then...back on the road Again.
  5. I also started a yacht. As a side project. It seems that the Dutch yachts have a different hull shape than this one (and mine). Correct? Or imagination 🤔. And you build faster than me 😉
  6. And if you "open" the cannon port a bit more upwards, you won't see that your hinge has no hinge point. 😉
  7. https://www.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/rmgc-object-66339 And, I watch and learn from you
  8. Building the side windows of the rear cabine. There are 2 "shapes" provided, the material of which looks like pressed paper. Some PE parts and 4 figures. First sand and cut into shape, and then get started. A bit better than the kit parts. And a first layer of paint has been applied and sanded. No masking tape has been used, at the time this was not available either
  9. Great work I will send you some Mary Rose photos via pm about your questions regarding your sternpost and rudder questions.
  10. Looks great -18 🥶. Best to wait for warmer days The recurring question, clear coat, stain, paint?? Hide a nicely planked hull, or not This will be your own difficult choice 😉
  11. Thanks. Yes and no. Corel is not really helpful. The only thing I base it on are the colors on the Brandenburg Marine painting.
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