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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Nice find on the coins and nice military models in the background. I did a Nato manoeuvre in 1983. Cardboard frames are looking great.
  2. Indeed. For this, solid wood is always better than plywood.
  3. During the construction of my GH I downloaded quite a few pdf's. currently on vacation, just wait until next week then I will send via pm. in case i forget, remind me
  4. Nice start. I follow. My first scratch model was an attempt to make a copy of the GH. good luck with yours
  5. I can send you more info and drawings via pm about these shields. But then you have to wait a bit, Baker is on vacation
  6. Large update 😉. The strakes normally follow the lines of the planks and seal the seams between two planks neat indeed 👍 Here indeed there was no clinker planking, but removable shields. Good and nice work
  7. Planking the inside of the railing. Checking if the cannon ports are still in the right place And the planking of the deck has begun. For the deck planking the walnut wood from the kit is used. Excellent quality 👍
  8. Indeed, a ladder inside. the pointed shape of fore castles like this are really awkward. No wonder that they later switched to another more spacious shape (galleon).
  9. And in the log from @djford we @Louie da fly had the question how to get to the lowest deck of the fore castle. Exceptionally images from the book. According to them it is possible that the ladder on cabin 4 continues to this deck on the fore castle According to that explanation it could be something like this Fore castle 1/50 drawing 1/100 Actually,this is not possible i think If this staircase (yellow) continues at the back of cabin 4 (white area) further on the outside of the castle, you'll be stuck against the anti-boarding net (red). The staircase(s) must therefore be in the castle
  10. Forecastle update The lowest deck is starting to become difficult to reach and has therefore been treated with a layer of Danish oil Almost forgotten, the bowsprit Determine roughly where it comes with a dumimy . The right angle is ?? something like this? close but it fits. And is supported. The shape of the front part under the bowsprit still needs to be adjusted. How exactly, I don't know yet
  11. Thanks. Luckily Mary Rosasaurus doesn't have any teeth yet😉. Personally i like cherry wood more than pear wood
  12. Planking Before further planking can be done, a spiral staircase must first be made. Originally this is made of plywood, so a new one is made of pear The opening is placed more towards the middle, then there is less hindrance with the cannon that is in front of the staircase. Planking, this method is found in the book of the Dutch yacht Utrecht. "Plank bender" Planking is ready for sanding A first sanding with grit 60 has been done And the plywood supports on the deck are removed
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