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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Further planking of the rear castle. I started with the part that was planked according to the clinker build method. These planks were not sawn but made from tree trunks that were split. length of the planks no longer than 2.70 meters The first of these planks was tapered. Above the tapered plank it is marked how high the upper plank may be Further planking And then there was a week's holiday in the sun, which was put to good use doing research . Back home and continue planking. The intention is to have 6 layers of clinker build, in total I should end up with 9. Above that there will be shields. That's why I first have to place the 2 dales, which determine the correct location of the upper deck in the rear castle English lesson : Dale.. old English word. The intention of these two dales is to drain the pumped water from the hold outside. And if you have to pee....Do it in the dale (so their 2nd name : pisdale... 😳)
  2. Baker wants a free ticket to the circus BTW. I am not related to Mathew, My name translated into English is.... Baker No. (First post and already comments... )
  3. You've got mail (soon) A series of photos from this book. feel free to post the photos yourself or not.
  4. Ratlines what do you prefer to hold in your hands? a tarred rope. or one without tar.
  5. Update, BTR70 : only needs decals and final wheatering Nona mortar carrier : painted (Strange camouflage scheme on a Russian vehicle. Never seen before) BTR R3K : The instructions to build the turret are the most unclear ever in 38 years of building at 1/72 (at this moment the turret is 90% ready)
  6. Thanks Ab, this is much appreciated. The further build up of the rear castle Frames 6, 8 and 10 are laid out using the laser All frames are in place Started with the cannon ports And planking of the stern Some filler pieces are first atteched sawing... On almost all drawings of the Antony roll a beam (wale) can be seen just below the opening for the tiller Follow the drawing as much as possible Result An oops moment. Where there should be a hole for a cannon are frames. Time to bring out the isopropyl alcohol. Soak off the glue of the framing and do it right Thanks for following
  7. I think I read somewhere, that this was because yhis shroud can most come into contact with the sail and ropes.
  8. Complated shape of hull 🫣. but, i have confidence in you that everything will turn out well 😉
  9. Is that meant for me?🤣 (Rember my comment on your Revenge build)
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