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Everything posted by Baker

  1. I never built a Mayflower.... It is certainly not the perfect model, but if this is a cartoon, thanks
  2. Some PDFs. (When I put them on my PC they were free downloads) golden_hind plannen-volledig.pdf 2014Gresham.pdf elizabethan-merchant-ships-and-shipbuilding.pdf Furring in light of 16th century ship design_web.pdf red bay 2.pdf scheepsbouw 16e eeuw Engeland.pdf
  3. Nice work. If I remember correctly, I also made this model a long time ago. I was about 10 years old at the time, I will be 60 next month 😁
  4. Great work. But the way you attach the anchors is quite unusual. Normally these are attached to the channels of the fore mast.
  5. Before. This way you can do this easily and comfortably while sitting (And also much better for your back ...)
  6. Thanks Roger. Indeed. The Mary Rose builders (rebuilders) were also working on this problem
  7. Thanks The BTR'S are better cast than Ace's older models.But still sometimes a mess and a puzzle to assemble ...
  8. @Rock_From_Korea @Louie da fly @md1400cs @Roger Pellett Thanks for the nice comments. Mary was indeed 30 years old and had had a major refit. Maybe the original version didn't need these battens
  9. Planking of the stern. First to do The cannon deck will become almost completely invisible later, so I don't put much time and effort into it. The sides will be further finished later. To further plank the stern, I first need to determine where the cannon ports should be placed. And discovered that the stern was not completely symmetrical. Fortunately, I used PVA glue that can be loosened with isopropyl alcohol. Error corrected The lower stern planked and with the 2 cannon ports Low quality interior I first have to consider what the next steps on the model will be. And, the hobby room urgently needs a makeover. As well as two bedrooms, the wife says....
  10. Canadian movements from D'Day to the end of August. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/military-history/history-heritage/casualty-identification-military/normandy-france.html After that. Northern west France and then West Belgium (map) left Canadian (coastal side) middle Polish units (corresponds to my mother's stories) right english Be careful with a Mk.VII in Canadian service at this stage of the war. Scots guards? a Mk.VII = ok
  11. Update. The BREM 2 is ready and tagged. A BTR 70 under construction. and the NONA mortar carrier is started
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