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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Your favourite being.......? no rush C, stock up. I have another battleship to build yet, just awaiting some reference stuff. That gives us us time to gang up on Cog.
  2. Yes Canute, and Cog gets to pick on you too. It’s becuse he’s so tall. He can reach up the rafters to steal food from onlookers.
  3. Now, whilst Popeye and Cog finish up their builds (I'll put them in an album when finished) I'm researching my next build (Number 10) , BUT, the build after that Number 11)... Who want to play with another joint build? There is going to be an aftermarket set out for the kit later this year by the bloke who used to be at Pontos As such it won't start for months, but it will be simple build and Cog is already complaining that I nag him too much so you all have to put pressure on him too.
  4. Well done, you’re nearly there. The railings are pretty much exactly right, but with the new paravane winches they throw it out a bit. I eventually did not place the two on the deck and just used the trestles.
  5. It's in a museum in the UK I think, I found few images when I was researching this one. Notice the shell holders near the cannons and the netting. There are a lot more pipes, and the real thing would also have a lot more voice pipes.
  6. I think you’ll find that’s a builders model and not 1/700 (though it could be done but it’s a bloody good camera).
  7. I just woke up! Coffee, toast, then Rugby (all 3 playing today), nap then nightshift. I’ll pop next door shall I?
  8. It’s absolutely up to you old boy on how you want the outcome to be. I use primer as paint lifts if I don’t as I mask. I use Tamiya rattle can primer on and PE and have learnt to rub the plastic down with nail polish remover, particularly on large areas as the grease from fingerprints sticks. I’m yet to find a decent acrylic primer.
  9. The square thingy on the bow is a building in the back ground. By 1945 the a turret was replaced by a depth charge thrower and the overhang under the B turret was shortened. There is a description in the AWM photographs but no clear images.
  10. You can see the after torpedo tubes have been landed and it looks like the added a sideboard near the rear cannon platform as the paintwork rises above deck level. Needed to to make some room for my next build.
  11. I would still do the 1945 version but there is no reference material. I reckon by that time they just did, no plans lodged and used what they could. Or could steal.
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