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Everything posted by RGL

  1. The side of the ship below the flight deck has platforms for 25mm MG's and another platform for rocket launchers (not shown yet). I have scribed some pannels as i cannot see it being one continuous piece of steel.
  2. I'm kind of meandering with this build. The flight deck has some bonus dimples innit which I've rectified, and you can see the 'railings' really aren't and will be an aftermarket instillation. Underneath there is the the beginning of the latticework which is actually quite simple so far.
  3. Yes you should! The only difficulty may be finding references for rigging. At 1/200 you should be able to knock it out if the park.
  4. Sorry, gaps st the joins of the plastic strips. The deck will probably have to be trimmed to fit inside the strips. Just broke 1 drill bit trying to drill the PE so that answers that question.
  5. Because the edges of the deck are so narrow, kit and aftermarket expects you to drop in PE railings. With the wooden stick on deck, there is even less room. You has see from these colourised postacards of a Fuso class, the edge is quite substantial and have individual stanchions. As such I've placed some plastic strip around the edges where the wooden deck will drop in. The idea is to fill the gaps with putty, then pre drill all the stanchion holes. Well, that's the idea. You can see there is also two brass strips amidships which may or may not drill requiring a PE railing.
  6. So, not much today, took the kids to school, then had a car crash when some kid decided he did not have to give way at an intersection. Nonetheless, no injury, and back to modelling. For some reason, amidships there was a small section which has to be added on and it does not sit well. Gap filled, and the degaussing cable repairs with brass. The molded plastic is actually pretty good and does not need replacement tho the Flyhawk does provide it. I have replaced the ringols on some portholes where it is not noticeable in the molded plastic. Tomorrow I have to add some card along the entire gunnels of the ship to I can drill holes for individual stanchions.
  7. This is going to be a long build I reckon. This section is at the bow end just below the Pagoda. Doing a bit of value adding to the 12.7 gun pits. I want to run a 1mm strip on the edges so I can place stanchions as the wooden deck will about it.
  8. They appear to be hoses, there is a blog with a 1/100 version that shows them as white hoses. The IJN awning stanchions are fixed along the side of the ship.
  9. The walls directly beside the stack house molded pipes (refuelling?), so I stripped them back and added some firefighting equipment. I have not glued the pipes yet as I will only place them after painting. The ring flues let them slide in and out. Its not not perfect but it gives it some depth.
  10. Maybe, that's why I leave the stairs and ladders off, painting them off kit. The pagoda tower owner is huge on this one and will be fun to paint.
  11. I just picked up some bonding fluid when I got some supplies today. Anyway, 3 days work and the funnels, lots to add yet but I can't till it's painted.
  12. I'll get there Danny. Pat, the Ise only had a short period of time out of drydock when the whole idea was seen as stupid and the catapults were removed and it became a cargo ship then an AA platform. A stationary AA platform that got the hell bombed out of it. Ergo, the period of time that it had catapults it would have precluded a lot of weathering.
  13. I'd like to see the 1.200 Mikasa, the thing about changing scales is lack of spares though.
  14. So, 2 days of working on the funnel. No photos to show yet, multiple platforms. Got most of it finished then pulled it apart again as it was misaligned. I'll have another go on day 3. Its soo dry here the CA will not go off which is really becoming problematic as the thing with PE is getting a rapid set as it's all so small it's hard to hold for any extended period.
  15. Just got myself some too, for the price it's worth it as they will break.
  16. I keep buying these things, it's the only ones that are small enough but they snap very easily so they have to be done by hand. They do not drill through PE very well though.
  17. Danny, yes, but given the tiny scale, it does not work on the small bits as a 0.01mm point of PE does not stick. The thing about PE at this scale and CA, is that CA makes a better putty than putty. When it comes to big bits like the entire side of a ship you can take the time to drill the multitude of holes to have individual stanchions. If it was resin it would drill well, plastic bends and melts.
  18. I really don't know what they'd improve on really apart from including railings for the aircraft and maybe some instructions that make sense? Oh, and proper 25mm guns etc. Instructions that made sense would be nice. I would not want to be a novice making this.
  19. So, the rearmost superstructure which will house the arial. The begining of a lot of trianglular gussets.
  20. Still getting my head around very poor instructions and forward planning as much as possible. But, one must make a start somewhere, so I added the 14 strengthening struts which all needed to be filed down (they don't fit without a hammer). I drilled out and filed out the hawser holes so I can use proper anchors and replace the anchor chain covers. Lots of gaps to fill and the supports for stand pedestals. You can see it's a big kit, and will be a lot more complex than Yamato.
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