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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Via the Australian National Archives there is a set of plans for the Vendetta as purchased. Now if you wish to join us feel free, the kit is about $50 Australian available via BNA in Oz, Ebay or Starling Models in the UK. I purchased a set of PE from White Ensign Models for g class destroyers which has little bits such as funnel grilles.
  2. Cog and I discussed doing a group build, then I read the instructions and you need 8 people, so unless anyone else wishes to join, we are going to do a Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere build of the HMAS Vendetta by Showcase models. A quick google search will reveal the ships history as a V&W Class destroyer of WW1 vintage. She lasted from 1917 to 1945, but we intend to build it strait from the box.
  3. And you can keep searching for that number that does not exist on the fret....
  4. Aaaaaaaand you’re back! That’s a lot of work done, the PE looks sharp mate, well done
  5. It was a trial one for the Ise which I stuffed up. I really need to clean up the room.
  6. OK, another one done. A final few photos to show the wolf and the sheepdog depending on what side you're on.
  7. There’s actually a pretty good twist to the next build.........
  8. Yes, they are both 1/350, I just find it hard to believe that the DDG looks so big compared to Yamato.
  9. Rigging done, so it’s pretty much complete but for the final touches of the screws, 50cal and choppers. Its an interesting size comparison between a DDG and the Yamato
  10. Rust and salt streaks done, bit of grunge powder on the deck and tops of the stacks. Bit of rigging next.
  11. Grunge streaking done, 3 more types of weathering to go on the sides, I’ll use pastels/ Powders for the decks
  12. Weathering begins, grunge first, then some salt and later a few rust spots and rusty streaks. I’m going to have to paint all the railings Black to represent wire keeping the posts grey. I feel its it’s starting to look a little less like a toy now.
  13. 2 helicopters, touch ups, a few decals, screws, weathering
  14. The last of the railings are done, and the ships boats added.
  15. All good Cog, ‘Our’ next build will be less complicated. One batch of painting to do.
  16. You might have to narrow it down as to which piece you want to know about, but I reckon ChaB probably has it covered! I have the entire collection of AOTS but I doubt they will make any more. Profile Morskie has some excellent plans of a lot of WW2 ships.
  17. Nukla’s, chaff dispensers, ESm, stairs, chain guns, launchers, refueling ports etc. so much small detail.
  18. Mast stepped, CIWS and a few other things added. I’ll get to the rest of the stuff I’ve painted up tomorrow. That will just leave the ship’s boats, helicopters, railings and rigging. I can then finally start some weathering.
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