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Everything posted by RGL

  1. I’m trying to get some back ground stuff done, lots of fittings getting pre painted. As the ship will have rolled torpedo nets I need to find a decent representation. So braided wire, two types to sit on the Photo etch steel shelves. I’ll paint both and go with what looks best, but after pulling out in the rubber inner of the Tamiya tube makes it sit better
  2. I just leave them open, the scale does not warrant it. What you can do after painting is run the sharpened pencil on the inside to represent a inner porthole ring
  3. Weathering done on the main guns, 12 pounders will be added tomorrow. I’ve added the unpainted kit ones as well
  4. Mate it depends where you live for taxes and shipping. You have to shop around the world
  5. So importantly I was today years old when I discovered Dreadnoughts first Captain was Captain Bacon; part of my FB name (Chris P Bacon). back at the bench, working on the ships boats, base grey coat down in the big guns
  6. Well Hood only got one good hit! I wonder how well a side hit by a tomahawk or a Shval would go on a ww2 battleship
  7. Excellent! Years ago I built the Endevour and the car chewed on the Cat Heads! Pontos does an upgrade set for this one, and the Micromaster stuff is just the best.
  8. So AK Salt is really potent and near impossible to remove. So after doing the salt line I’ve over sprayed with a heavily diluted grey which makes the white wash go away. Next is a green alge spray
  9. Hull weathering starts. This is going to be I a seascape as the lower hull won’t be that important but I want to grunge up the waterline
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