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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Hull weathering starts. This is going to be I a seascape as the lower hull won’t be that important but I want to grunge up the waterline
  2. Now a dryfit. It all goes down IK, the tripod mast needs some work on angle yet. I want to now get into hull weathering before I progress any further.
  3. Dreadnoughts signal tower with the Barr & Stroud range finder. Kit piece in the foreground
  4. Next to the boat deck, so many little pieces, but I finally got the funnels done today
  5. Well that’s the flying deck done, I’ve added a few little figures for detail but you’ll never see them.
  6. Next is the flying deck, ten 12 pounders, a couple of search lights. The 3D guns are gun out of this world
  7. You can see the 12 pounders on the cannons, this is the Micromaster replacements. There are a lot of these in the ship
  8. The cannons, the kit, the Flyhawk fit out, the Pontos fit out and the Micromaster
  9. Whilst I’m waiting on the masking tape, thought I’d make a start in part 2 of this build
  10. So my 8mm tape won’t arrive until after Xmas. Bugger. Anyways, threw the ships barges together and masked the rear end of the hull.
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