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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Then the two French soldiers from Copper State Models. One has a black leather jacket and on a brown leather jacket. Next is a clear coat to set it so I can do the belts and scarfs.
  2. So nice finished the little Minenwefer, I’ll give it a clear coat then rust the hell out of it. My plan is to submerge it in a puddle.
  3. So back to this! This is my plan, 2 French soldiers trophy hunting, taking a Morser and large mortar and finding a smaller in in a puddle ignoring a family on the side. I got a French victory medal to go on the base
  4. Now the camo pattern, I’m pretty much going off the kit colour call outs and the existing pieces in museums
  5. I was given a voucher for a presentation on ship weathering. So I was tossing up repainting the Morser and I decided I’d just do another one sans shield. Came out cost neutral
  6. I used AK foam added with a brush, layered over 2 days to get thickness, and spackled on to make it look like spume (the lighter stuff) . Then when dry I used clear resin over the top to make it look wet
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