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Everything posted by RGL

  1. So I’ve done up a machine gun to add to the dio then I saw this; a Minenwerfer, it is a beautiful resin kit that I may or may not add…
  2. And I’m back, a bloke made up a box for her. Still got some gaps which I used acrylic water, once it sets clear I can start in the waves proper
  3. I think that’s my civilians done for now. I’ll obviously have to change some dirt tones later when I place them in a base
  4. I’ve made a start on hand painting the figures. Being civilians I wanted to mix up some colours. One I get my base coat down I’ll give it a clear coat before weathering
  5. It’s 1500 ks to Rocky from Canberra! No ship will last that trip and your summers are a bit hotter than ours! for the rest of you, it’s this far!
  6. I think most of us here who have done tall ships realises that it’s all about the sequence of rigging. And it looks great afterwards. I use denier line all the time, but I’ve never used fishing line, what type do you recommend?
  7. Our model show is every November, I’ve slowly been digging away at having more ships there
  8. I have one of these (and several other WNW ) kits in my ‘retirement’ stash. This looks great !
  9. So I need to learn how to do a seascape, if a kit is disposable to me it’s this one. foam with a black base then a sea blue lighter shades of blue light blue with foam to go
  10. Wow, looking at Big Bertha beside the Takom Morser!
  11. So the concept is to have 2 soldiers collecting trophy’s oblivious of the refugees
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