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Everything posted by RGL

  1. On the home stretch, first, the sea mines. She kit gives you about 4. This is a new set form Germany of all places !
  2. That’s the same as the Canadian museum ship’s capstan. I think I’ll just wipe the thing smooth and use some checker plate and scratch it.
  3. Nope, don’t give up, just start in a small bit. I’ve just found nearly all my CA has gone off and is pretty much useless, so I’m taking the weekend off awaiting new CA and having a few beers. You can do this.
  4. So apparently Micromaster also going to do new funnels. I’m thinking I’m going to have to scratch build the entire focsle but I need references for that area.
  5. All the little bit painted, now starting to throw it all together. The depth charge throwers and some very finicky torpedo loading rails.
  6. I wish I had of know about it when I did mine. There is a RN bridge set which is basically not available anywhere in the world from North Star models which is a great company (great products) but super unreliable. The last time I ordered something it took 5 weeks to clear the Latvian customs, and now they won’t ship to Oz as PayPal keeps slapping them for poor service.
  7. Starting to throw on the small details, firstly the rails for the Sea mines, winch and paravane gear, then the torpedo tubes, then the breakwater and a trial of a few chain diameters, smaller is better.
  8. A full 2 days of cutting and bending, the infill required for the ships smaller details. haven’t started on The guns etc yet.
  9. Yes I studied these photos, as did flyhawk I’d say as the bridge windows for the upgrade seem to be the same and different to Z25. The previous images in the log I found on a Russian site and have not seen them elsewhere
  10. I’m going to say maybe? By the end of the war they were pretty much used non stop to evacuate troops and people from the Soviet army and give fire support so I suppose they would not have had much maintance. Of course the photos after the war show her in a better condition but I doubt if the crew just walked away (but they may have) and it was eventually given to the French as the Hoche.
  11. Superstructures done up and weathered, next is a tonne of tiny details that need to be added,
  12. Yes they are, but the AK white spirit is odourless. Can’t smell a thing!
  13. The deck detail is amazing, so a dark wash then a rusty wash, then a dry brush to bring out the details
  14. Using AK Worn effects (I put it on yesterday) I wore away some paint. Filters next, but considering the amount of work needed on the deck I’ll do that next.
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