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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Andy I have just seen the drwg you have send me. Great! Just what I need! 1000 times thank you!☺☺ Wish a pleasant sailing trip Christos
  2. Denis my friend... I allready did the knight. Its the rigging of the knight that I dont know how to do. Tegards Christos
  3. Thank you Dave and popey2sea. You have been very helpfull indeed.Now its very clear to me what is a "knight" and what it does. As I wrote to Andy my kit plans dont include the knight into the the rigging. It just sits there, witout any rigging. But I want to include it in the ships rigging in someway... maybe just to riggied it. Do you have any pictures I could look at. Thx again.for your help guys Christos
  4. Hi Andy. Thank you for the quick response and the wide and round explanations! Great help! That was very kind of you. I am my self an engineer so it wasnt hard to get the full picture. The only thing is that my kit doesnt use that part in its rigging. It just sits there without any rigging. After your explanation I came to the idea to place it into the rigging of my ship. That would be interesting I think. Could you please be again so kind, if you have available any pictures, to send me some picture to see how it can be done? Thank you again Andy... you ve been very helpfull Christos
  5. Can please somebody explain me what is this "fixed deck block" item nr. 69? What is its purpose and how it functions. How is it rigged?
  6. It wasnt easy due to the size. Too small wood pieces.... and the detail painting was also not the easyest.I worked a lot with the special tool microshapers of AL bei which I could shape the various shapes.
  7. Thank you Frankie, thats very interesting and it has added a lot to the information I have so far ! Thank you again Christos
  8. Absolutly very enlightening infos and comments!Thank you very much, that was very kind of you. Best regards
  9. Note I havent used a primer on the few cannons that I painted black and vallejo acrylic paint did fine.I dont know about the PE metal quality... lets see if you succed Regards
  10. Ok it seems you are right.... go on and let us know.... but I believe allready u r correct
  11. A good netal primer lightly brushed so you dont leave any brush lines....this what I do.....OR: A trick that works pretty well for me is to dip the brass fret into a cup of vinegar for a few seconds and then rinse the fret in running cold water. That will etch the brass giving the paint something to grip.
  12. No no Ken the instructions are not refering to a wooden piece but to a fotoetched part. So Dilbert I think that he means a paint primer.... as he also previously suggests by all metal parts to be painted.
  13. Where is the host State flag flown as the Tallship enters its waters/port? Is it the gaff on the mizzen driver?
  14. SSlowly but still going on.... got the upper deck varnish and the bow section planks and linning, plus the blue paint of the upper deck planks.
  15. England sounds great. I am there oft.... you have to visit HMS Victory in Portmouth and then is Cutty Sark in Greenwich. That is If you still havent.
  16. Yes all the planks are done. I gave some attention to what you pointed out the other day. So everything went smooth. Am going to post a picture after I finish the painting of these last/ railling planks. I watched oft on the tv the fires in British Columbia.... thats why I asked you. But its nice to hear that in Quebec its nice and cool., though Quebec isnt a high risk area as B.Columbia or even some central areas of Ontario. Any Europe trip plans this year?
  17. Thank you my friend... but your advise came late. I had allready varnished. But ok no harm done because I dressed the deck before cutting the gun ports. How is the forest situation in Canada now with the heat. We got a few fires in Cyprus in the last three days but ok they were small and to our luck the wind wasnt too strong. So they got them under control within 24-48 hours.
  18. Nice build there! You did modifications concerning the color and I think its very nice! I made some expiriments on the Hermione's kit cannons and I got them black using the blackening I used for bronze. Bought it from amazon uk about 14 euros. Birchwood Casey Brass Black The result is great.... absolutly great!
  19. Thx Dilbert55 and Don Robinson. And thx to S.Coleman... yes they are going to be rigget. And even the 6pdr's on the upperdeck even they are very small. At least am going to try.
  20. Hi guys😓 High tempretures here in Cyprus... 36° even sometimes up to 40° C. But some work was still done, of course in a fully airconditioned shipyard. And the gun production of the 12pdr cannons of the Gun deck went not bad.😎
  21. Cyprus is burning...😅 yesterday the temp. reached 40° celsius! Today is better an shipyard was oppened again (in its fully aircondition permisses 😎. So the basewood of the gundeck was finished..... (cherry stain) and the red linning of its gunports.
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