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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Nils..... I hope you took care that they want all of them get drunk. I hope you did directed someone to stay sober and guide them from the Taverne back onboard tonight. Christos
  2. thank you for your response Marc, I am always to your disposal for any pictures or anything else I could help you with your work. (I have some translations of the instructions) I would appreciate it if you give me a link of the translation app you mentioned. Just ask. I am sure you know that Sir Winston now belongs to a cruising inst. somewhere in agean sea. Am going to try and visit the vessel. I never had the chance to see it ecxept out of videos and pictures. Las Summer I went to Rochefort France to visit the ship am building since last March.... Frigate Hermione. have a nice Sunday afternoon Christos ps. did you used the Tamiya paints as woody joe suggests? Was a 100ml TS-14 black sufficient? (woody joe - concerning only TS-14- suggests as quantity 2x100ml (???)!
  3. great work there! How many building hours so far? It must be great building such a beautifull model once you have expirience it on board! I bought my self this model same dealer as you did. Planning maybe next year when Hermione finishes to start with with. Your work is fine and am going to follow you step by step. Wish you all the best and enjoy it... its really a fantastic ship and a great modell. Christos
  4. hi Nils, Yes the wire is a very good method. Clean & dry and 100% reliable. Still am thinking to try GAC400 on Hermiones sails. I have got the impression (out of discissions with friends here) that this way maybe I will succeed a more realistic result... more wind into the sails impression. I sm planning to make some expiriments. wish a pleasant weekend Christos
  5. thank you Nils for the interesting infos about the sails. Isnt "normal laundry spray-stiffener" a little weak to give a stiff blowed sail? Anyway.... am following your every step 😎. Anxius to see this masterpiece till the very end.
  6. what about the wind Nils? Are you going to use Gac 400? How do you plan to go over the wind issue?
  7. Bill thank you very much. That was very flattering. You made me think better about my modelling skils. But mostly you made my project more enjoyable. I am on it a year now (since March 17) and believe I have 600 hours work on her (studies, visits , reading, searching etc not included). I enjoy every second. Believe me I do thank you again Christos
  8. beauty! Klasse! Nils. Oh.. "sail thoughts".... sounds promessing for original ideas! Bin gespannt.
  9. masts and bowsprit... its a slow motion work due to lack of expirience. After all I think not bad... Its the fitst time building the masts of such period tallship.
  10. Bill thank you very much. Untill now I was just having a lot of fan with this build. Now, after your comment, that it is Indeed very flattering for me, the whole attempt became a happy event. Its a great feeling knowing that all these many working hours are not going wasted. Its my first tallship you know. Untill now I was working only with ancient ships and it was a real challeng to go for it. Anyway, thanks to you and Mirabell61 -Nils- and your good words, you made the whole project for me even more enjoyable . Thank you again Bill. Christos
  11. @Barbossa. Thank you for your effort to explain me. I think though, and if not please correct me, that the extremities are similar to the image of the above link. I believe the picture I posted above lets that detail to show otherwise. Here its a better pic. Please comment if am still not following.
  12. Thank you Nils. That coming from you its very flattering for me! And ofcourse thankyou for your very precious advising, that you, so willingly indeed, give me when ever I ask you for.
  13. Hi nice to have you back, Hope everything fine with you. Though our canditade in the first round came second with 30% and our main opponent first with 35%, in the second round we lost the presidential elections by 57% to 43%..... So it didnt happen to become the new minister of home affairs 😡.
  14. @Barbossa. Thank you very much. I appreciate very much your response and ofcourse your advices. One thing is that I havent understood your second remark about the extremities of the wooden parts of the anchors. You mean that the ends of the woden parts have to be less thick? Thx again Christos
  15. I work a lot but it doesnt seem to progress. Dead-eyes on the channels its a very slow work. At the other hand its the first time am doing a ship of this era (I used to build ancient ships) and maybe am doing something wrong here. If anyone guys has an advice how to improve my work please please go ahead an post it to me.
  16. Wuao... that was hard. Two days strugle to get the dead-eyes on the fore channel. I hope I did everything ok. Hole were extra drilled and a primer was used in order to get the paint on the brass wire parts.
  17. So small things like the lifeboats, the flag and the anchors keep me busy and in the mean time working for the very first time on the shrouds (till now I had only ancient ship models and never a period model).
  18. The flag is ready. Thats the Royal flag (Royal Standard1365-1792) flag of the Kingdom of France. WIth the coat of arms of the House of Burbon . As Lafayette sailed for the first time 1779-80, the King of France was Ludwig the XVI.
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