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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. First time coppering the hull. I wonder is it better to paint it first with primer? On the other hand concerning the glue.... I have a feeling that CA glue is not the best idea. It glues very fast and perhaps that makes the positioning (overlaping of CP) hard. I will apriciate very much some advise.
  2. You r right. Am thinking not to overlap. Its not going to be noticed..... we are talking for less than a mm. And overlaping makes things not easyier The pins arrangement on the plates designate that
  3. Just arrived by post today. The Amati copper plates, 259 left and 259 right and the plate dimension is 17x5mm. Great dimension because is within the sizes that the french navy used those days. Very nice copper plates with their bolts showing very realistc, but now I realise that they wont be enough. My calculations showed that I ll be needing about 350 for each side. I have to buy a.second packet... shipment to Cyprus etc will cost me another 35 euros. But... I need them.
  4. A ok.... sorry a I didnt understood it. Am thinking of some lead powder on a cotton stick may be ..
  5. Guys need some help here. I have spend some time reading about coppering.... but I got confused about the overlapping of the plates. In more than one paper is said that: "The first row will be applied at the keel ,working your way from the stern towards the bow. Each plate should overlap the preciding plate. Also each row should overlap the preciding row." (First pic beneath) On the other hand Mark Staniforth in his paper "The introduction of copper sheating-A History" says: "The Royal and the French Navy used the other way round system" Yes each plate did overlap the preciding plate going from stern towards bow... but the plate rows going from keel upwards to the waterline were overlaped by the preciding row..... ! ( Second pic.) Who is right and who is wrong?
  6. Thx Allan but the cannons are black and not brass cannons.
  7. I dont know what are you going to do the modell after you finish.... but whatever you do it, I think it wont diserve it! You went over the line with this work. As I said to you, its not just a ship modell any more, its a piece of art!
  8. I dont know which theory is correct: weathering a modell ok.... but you cann I achieve exactly what realy elements (sea, wind, sun, woorms, man.... etc etc) of nature really did to it. Second theory says the ship got just now out of the shipyard.... brand new wood, sails, paint .... untouched from nature, shiny and ideal... ready for its virgin trip to... Dont know, both are reasonable theorys
  9. Yes I allready did purchased that of amati 5x17mm... it suits what the french navy used then and scale though amati give 1/72 the size 17x5 suits my 1/89 scale accuratly. Do you put a colourless varnish over your platting or do leave it as it is to darken naturally?
  10. Planking is comming soon to an end. I am not very happy with the result but am statisfied. Two correction planks are going to be needed in each side... I hoped less. And in some points I went a little under the half plank width... point something, I wanted to be sharper, but never the less am ok with the result. So am already preparing for some sanding and painting now and then coppering starts. Coppering is not in the kit instructions but according to history the ship was coppered a year after the ship was launched and commissioned. And of course by the time that it carryied the french flag (after the french revolution) and not the flag of the Monarchie of Ludwig, the ship was allready coppered. So thats what I inted to do. To picture the ship after the first trip of Lafayette to America and even after the revolution. Its going to be my first coppering and am anxious to start it. To prepare for that I got a lot of help in the mean time from my friends "aew" Arthur and "Mirabel61" Nils, who I both thank a lot.
  11. Thank you very muchUlises Victoria. And thx for the great cannon pic.
  12. Thx Eddie. But I tryid and I dont seem to have it in hand.... it becomes a bicolour cannon!
  13. After painting the cannons I try to figure out the best way to hilight the points that give volume. Burnt umber....in liquit or as dry pigments, or even soft lead powder? Any gunman on board?
  14. So... First of all thank you for the pictures I have asked for. You see am going to use the micro shaper my self... I bought it (both... six plates in total) for 35 euros incl. shipping. Secondly you are right. No sanding needed any more. Planking is fine! Third you are wrong. The different colours of your planks are actualy not only not a problem, but on the contrary, they represent a succes building story. Do you know any planking , if not painted ,havinng the same colour all over? No you dont! Keep up the good work Christos
  15. Great work! One comment: Hull looks in the picture like it needs more sanding One question: Can you show a biger picture of your work of the quarter round moldings? Keep up the nice work Christos
  16. Dear friend I thank you very much for your very supportive help. Yes the link is great. With your post I think the mater for me is resolved. Christos
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