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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Its being a long time since (30 Dec) I had some real progress, but now the shipyard is in full tempo again. Both Lifeboats are ready and on-board! And some celebration its needed… send a barrel XO Cognac Hennessy on-board….
  2. Dilbert55.... how is it going. Long time no see... both of us I huess. Hope everything fine Christos
  3. fantastic work with the figurines.... though in the past I didnt like the idea, now I believe it really gives life to the models.... Actually it brings out the historical charachter of the build in a cinematografiecal way. Am doing it now my self on Hermione as you may have noticed. great work Nils ,as we are always used to see from you! ps whats the link to the british side you found that great pirate figurine?
  4. Great work as always Nils. Amazing details. Is the that incredible detailed rope yours or you bought it? Christos
  5. Happy new year Nils. Is the marmaid a piece of yours or did you bought it?
  6. Steven Thank you for your informative response, and wish you a Happy New Year. Christos
  7. Bill, Thank you for your kind comment and wishes. All the best to you and your family in the new year. Christos
  8. Thank you my friend. Happy new year to you and your family. In Belgium you will have the new year one hour later than us here in Cyprus😉
  9. Guys just two days before new year Hermiones stem is finished, Took some detail work but I really enjoyed every moment. happy new year everybody... wish you all the health in the world
  10. Henry I believe the painting was taken accuratly from picture... or even its the picture it self after a computer intervension Christos
  11. Can someone explain to me which flag is flying on the Mainmast.... I guess its a british flag... A Queens flag maybe... but on which ocassion would that flag fly on the mainmast? Ps. the ship is Sir Winston Churchill still in uk ownership, before sold to greek ownership
  12. Prepearing the Stem job. The stem figurehead its a Lion bearing the french coat of arms (monarchy). A beautifull Bow design and am anxious to see how far I cam manage an acceptable result. Ps a member of the crew came yesterday on board.
  13. Well done David. I think you did well with this problem... if you did not brought it up ,I wasnt going to notice it at all. Christos
  14. Yes it does my friend. How are you long time no see.
  15. They dont differ much Bill, The replica has some safety features like the safety nets and some extra railing on deck, she has anchor chains, no hull coopering, two water jet engines and the paint work seems to be different, though the AL modellers say that this is the original painting. But if you look other models,even the older version of AL the colours differ. And also the flag issue (discussed here earlier). Bottom line this model was designed after the replica it self and not according to existed period paintings or the time drawings (kept in Greenwich museum). Although we have to note that the replica designers/builders did had all of those in mind when building the replica modell and I guess they used them they way they did. I hope that gave you an idea. Christos
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