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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Working on deck furniture its not always easy because of the small scale. Some time even lenses cant help to achieve an acceptable result... am having some hard time but nevertheless its fan looking at the results at the end
  2. @dutchman Its up to you. The ship in her lifetime had all three flags. Before and after the trip to America was the fleur de liss flag, during the America trip the full white and after the french revlolution the tricolor. So It depends what time of her life you want to present.
  3. @Bill Mirrison Hi Bill thank you for your very kind words. It makes me feel nice about my long hours in the shipyard. You are right about the flag. Tricolor was used after the french revolution, but no you are not accurate about the ''flag of Bourbon France with the Fleur de lis on a white background''. That's not the case. The ship sailed to America in 1780 did not had the fleur de liss flag, instead she had a full white flag, that was the flag of the french royal navy. Of course one of the modellers by Artesania Latina explained to me that the kit represents the replica now in Rochefort and not the original ship and that of course settles so the issue. But then where are the two turbines (picture att.) and the chain of the anchors that the replica has! So anyway that's an issue you are bringing up! Tricolor or All white or Fleur de lis flag? Interesting discussion... Now what I have done... I like the flag in the kit. Its of excellent quality and it looks very realistic, so am going to use it pretending my Frigate represents the ship in its after the revolution era. As you may have noticed I also coopered the ship. The replica (and of course our kit) and the original was when first launched without sheathing. So lets say am building a later version of the ship So I wish you a pleasant build. Any help I can offer just call me, I have already spended more than a year on this model, looking around in the internet, buying more than a few books etc. I also been in the Summer in Rochefort and went aboard the ship taking a lot of pictures which I can always send you any kind of details you need. Greetings from Cyprus Christos PS the gentleman of A/L gave me the list with the nr's of the vallejo paints that correspond to the original paints given in the kit (pantone list), if you want to have the list, I ll be happy to hand it over to you
  4. And the work is going on... even in a slower tempo. The side rienforcments of the hull, the side chanels, the front gunport hutch, the ladder and other details on the side of the hull are finished.
  5. The duct of the kitchen is there and the cannon balls....
  6. Dutchman did you made any pictures on the Suprise? If yes, would you be so kind to send me a few?
  7. Yes I agree. Though the replica builders claim that the colours they used on the replica are the original ones. And in the kit of AL there is the pantone colour table which is taken from the replica builders Dont know about if yhe french sailors were giants... but it seems to me the capstan of the kit is the main capstan of the ship stationed on the cannons deck in in its coverd. part where its not visible on the model. I took a picture of it as I visited the ship this Summer and thats bigger.
  8. I also noticed that the capstan isnt to scale. Its biger. I got the crew set of hermione and as trying to place the sailor who winds the capstan it showed the antropometrie of the capstan isnt right.
  9. to sailor123. Yes u r right.... but as you saw other models on which I have worked on am not lazy.... I just loved the replica ship... I v been on it and I loved it.
  10. I showed the pictures of meine and yours. My wife says your ship looks more realistic than meine. It seems the replica model its more colourfull but doesnt reflect a real ship of the 18th century. Stainig the deck planking and the hull instead of paintining it as you did it gave the model the esense of time and therefore of reallity. The thing u have to take care of I think its the railings with the black net. Thats of the replica. The real ship couldnt had it. Well done.
  11. No u r right... pictures are foggy. I did paint yellow because my desicion.is that am building the replica not the original ship
  12. Stairs and safety nets are on.... the bell ... and so on.
  13. You are correct but.... the kit in your hands represents the replica now in Rochefort and not the original ship and its acurate to that. Yes you are right the original Hermione did not had any restrictions over safety matters with insurance companys or Maritime Safety Rules... If you want to see how the original ship was have a look at the sister frigates model kits of Hermione, Courageuse or Concorde. But also the older model kit of Hermione by AL (philos model) represents the original ship and not the replica in Rochefort. Hope that helps Christos
  14. Cheers! Thats a trip! Whuaooo. Hope you made pictures... and maybe you show us some of them.
  15. Κρίμα που δεν βρεθήκαμε. Και τον Παντιά πάει καιρος να τον δω. Από τότε που ήμουν μέλος της Επιτρ. Εξωτερικών στη βουλή έχω να τον δω. Κάνω ξύλινα εδώ και 2 χρόνια, αλλά μόνο αρχαία (από 6ο, 7ο αιώνα πχ μέχρι και 9ο εως10ο μχ) μέχρι τώρα. Πρώτη φορά κάνω ένα του 18ου αιώνα. Αλλά μάρεσε. Πλαστικά έκανα παλιά... πάρα πολλά -δεν ήξερα που να τα βάλω- αλλά όταν έφυγα από την Γερμανία τα έδωσα όλα και τέρμα. Τώρα θέλω να φτιάξω το Sir Winston Churchill... ξέρεις το σκάφος υπάρχει ακόμα και τώρα το αγόρασαν έλληνες.Είδα ένα τέλειο Ιαπωνικό kit και θα το πάρω όταν τελειώσω την φρεγάτα που κάνω τώρα. Εύχομαι κάθε καλό Χρίστος
  16. I guess my idea not to use the 1mm diam. rod for the belaying pins and instead to use the 9mm brass belaying pins from amati (painted in wood colour) wasnt a bad Idea. It looks more realistic I think.
  17. I cant really see what you have done with the fences PE, did you painted yellow? Did you used any primer? Or did you let it natural as the PE are?
  18. Shipyard works are back in normal takt again... some furniture and the small 6 pdr cannons are now on the upper deck
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