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About CaptCraig

  • Birthday 09/25/1972

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  • Location
    Webster, FL
  1. Very nice! I like the work you have been doing. It is very clean and precise!
  2. Congrats on the new purchase Jay! I am sure you will be whizzing out barrels and banisters in no time! I'll be watching for the videos!...lol
  3. Ok...time for a small update. I trimmed the bow to shape and added the other side of the hull. The bow actually came together pretty nicely! I would like to do some more this weekend. I think I will be able to get the first deck done hopefully. I still have to put the ribs inside of the hull. I have been busy tending to my wife's vehicle. Many repairs done this week so she can stay safe.
  4. David...Thank you for the heads up. I will look into this. I am already aware of a few issues from reading the other logs, but every bit of help is appreciated!
  5. This part of the hull construction is a little challenging for the first time ship builder. But I think I am doing OK. I have used push pins and clamps to get the sides to twist properly. I cannot think of any other way to do this except one side at a time. Here is a side view of the hull: Here is the bow-end of the inner hull: Here is the stern end of the inner hull. I found it very annoying that they cut the stern so long. I had to remove a good 3/4 of an inch of material to get it to match the frame level as required by the instructions. I found this angle hard to match, but it looks pretty good for an amateur: Here is the bow. I may have to fill this a little after it dries, before I move forward with the other side. I think it is going fine. Everything seems to be lining up pretty well. Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to comment on my build. I really like the input!
  6. I got the last two frame pieces in and I have glued the bottom on. The bottom was very tight going in, but I managed. It looks good and straight. Next, I will do the sides and the knight heads. This may be tomorrow night if I can get some school work done tonight!
  7. Thank you for the encouragement! I got the last frame put in today. The frame will be dry and complete tomorrow and I will start to put the hull together. I'll take some more pics then.
  8. Thanks Grant! I am going to get another frame piece on tonight and the last tomorrow. I will start the hull this weekend as well. There should be a fairly steady flow of pictures from this point on, though some may just be small updates.
  9. Good day friends... I have started some work on the KoM build even though the shipyard is not quite complete. Today I cleaned the frame pieces and keel. I used a Dremel drum sanding attachment to just run quickly over the edges to remove the laser char: I was careful not to take too much material off of the edges. I then dry fitted the pieces into the keel and they all seemed to fit nice. Not too loose and not too tight. I used some 90 degree angle brackets to hold the frames into the keel so I can be fairly square when it dries: I was able to get all but two frames glued onto the keel. I started from the center and worked my way out. The two that I did not glue in will need to be done one at a time due to the lack of room in between them. This is what I have done so far: This is where I am at for now. I will finish putting the other two frame pieces in this week and I will start working the hull. I will update with more photos as I progress. Thanks for looking! Any remarks are welcome!
  10. I am just starting this build. I hope mine comes along as well as yours has. I also hope your back injury heals in short time so you can stay ahead of me...I will need as many tips as I can get! Very nice work!
  11. Impressive as always! My first build does not have a lot of rigging, but I know my next build will be more rigging intensive. You have great tips and I am sure everyone appreciates your work as much I do!
  12. The planking is superb to this point. I did not expect anything less as you are a true craftsman. Sorry you are not so good at picking football teams. Stick to the ship building! Lovely work Augie!
  13. I now have electricity in the shipyard! Thanks for your patience. I have been working on the shipyard most of the weekend and have not touched the ship. But I can turn on the lights in there now, so it is worth it. Off to the Super Bowl party!
  14. Well that decking looks great. It almost looks like natural wear. I think this is the effect you were trying to display. Excellent work Sjors!
  15. Thanks Dragzz. I should be able to start some this weekend. I have to work on putting the lights up in the shipyard and I have a few papers to write for school as well. I have to figure out what I am going to use to square the frames in the hull while the glue dries. I do not want a whacked out hull when it is dry.
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