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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. nice photo... and there is a lot of garbage😲 you need to take a new one befor and aft photo😆
  2. yes it do.. am using only thinn layers of paint , but 2- 3 layes needed for top coats later, for that i need more paint . so am working now with the dekk cabin and trying to deside if am going to make some inventory at the aft cabin and also the steering house on top dekk.
  3. thanks for likes and coments its no returns regarding painting the hull... its dunn😉 but not finish, there are 2 cote of primer then i used 2 cote of nato black matt, as an under cote for the finish cote. its going to be a little blacker and more glossy then it is now, am saving that for later, i also pre drilled the hole for the portholes , it wil be larger then it is now (6mm when install) svein erik
  4. hi Nils, thanks for coments, the copper tape is wery thin, i cant get exackt mesure . i took some photo hope that helps! svein erik
  5. thanks for the coments, yes its a pity to paint..... but thats the name of the game, since this ship dont have copper hull ,i have to paint it and i think its going to be nice with the paint also, thinn layers wil do the trick😊 svein erik
  6. thanks for likes and coments! the hull is nerly dunn , soon i can clean opp the copper plates and prime the hull befor priming i use zappon coat to stopp the prosses of patina 😊 svein erik
  7. hi, am now back.... i yust finish milling some planks for the nex 8 plank ( first belt) portside. and also all the tick marks is dunn on the bulkheads, so am ready to get some planks on the hull! svein-erik
  8. thats looking grait.... am also inn for the winni i dont know when , so chuck have some parts stasj away 😉 svein-erik
  9. still hear😉 i wil soon continue the planking job so i can finish of the stern, i week ore to😉 svein erik
  10. hi, i have discover that using graphite pensel for caulking on basswood its going to be dirty, but when i used on the yellow sedar it dossent stick on the wood as basswood! The wood makes a different! svein erik
  11. hi Roger wel... i was back and farword of wat to use so i desided to use tape.. its a tape used for snails 😊
  12. thanks for likes and coments. finish... most of one side of the hull (some more detalj needed later) for now its a big bling bling but when the paint etc is coming on i think is going to be different😉 so thanks for now and here is some photos... svein erik
  13. Testing some copper foil for simulateing the steel hull plates, I also simulere the rivits from the back of the teip/foil you can jugde for your self...😊 Svein.erik
  14. tanks for likes! and some more update , am about to get the hull over spryed with some paint before i get to the task of the simulated hull plating. a the model is beginning to look like a ship.. LOL😊( propell on the photo is not for this model.. am using smaller with 4 blades ) svein erik
  15. hi keith, wel.... i dont think so the hull has some strength filler over the balsa, wen dunn it wil get some primer on to get more strenght before the copper, i have also tested the soft copper and the sheet i have is way to thick (007) it has to be thinner 002/003 so i may have to get back using tape.. (snaile tape ... its copper and its 4cm wide and 5 m long)
  16. yust resive a test sheet of soft copper to make all the steel plates for the pequot hull, am going to make some plates so i can see how it work with the rivitts and the thickness . this sheet is 007 thick .... this copper has been burned so it can be bendt in any way you want! svein erik
  17. thanks for the likes moving farword , the bulwalk is glued on and am now shaping the hull with some filler , when am happy with the result, i wil mark /lining off the hull for the steel plating of the hull. the bow keel is my nex task .... so next time i think the hull is ready for some plates... svein erik
  18. thanks for the coments and likes, a bit more work has bin dunn, the wire for lightig is install, i block up the hull and sanded it to shape/faired.... dusting... dusting...😲 The false dekk is glued on also but need to be sanded a bit on the edge around the hull. propell shaft need to go in /the hole has to be drilled out . the next task is to make the bulwark/rail, the keel has to get glued on, so after all this the hull is going to have some layers of filler so it can be smoot before the steel plating task! svein erik
  19. hi Roger wel ..... i do not even now yet... i feal like thomas Edison , there is 20.000 thousand wrong right way to do this but only one wil work.... i wil test this when i have the soft copper roll😉 svein erik
  20. am thinking of using blocks on all the bulkheads, insted of wood planking, i then wil cut out all the section for the steel plates using soft copper sheet , roll the rivitts on the back side then glue it on the hull peace by peace . i think this is going to be faster and more realistic when airbrushed, i never try this metod and i do not know if anyone has?
  21. Some progress on the hull, (the New one) soon its time to glue the false dekk , some sanding and some wire rigging in the hull for lights before planking, I took some photo of the first hull beside the New one... a huge differents all the way. and also thanks for the likes , its going to be more interested later on with this build 😊 Svein.erik
  22. wondeful ship, good luck with the build Peter, i did mine in basswood that come with the kit, but now i wish i had use boxwood or yellow ceder insted, but i use the confed... as a tool to learn to plank and many other stuff , this ship started my ship building career😉 svein erik
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