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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. thanks for all th likes😊 i have started also to rigg the breech line for the corronadas. i have tested the color for the sizing and i deside to use dark brown so i can get a contrast color. here is a photo of the light and dark color. 😲😲😲 the photo has to wait... some problem with uploading svin-erik
  2. You can also use aluminiums tape/strip inside the tube to hold parts together Svein.erik
  3. This is wat I dunn so far on the headrails constructing the figure is not finish painting, working with boxvood is wery good for this task😊
  4. Thanks for the likes 😊 and here they are!! Now its time to glue them on😉 Svein.erik
  5. Am still working my way around the syren, more Items to make this time is the headrails constructing I also make a jig for scroll and it works well. ... "on boxvood " All the has been replaced with boxvood Svein.erik
  6. Thanks for the liks everyone 😀 I did finish the mast caps, also made of boxvood. So the next is..... do I leave it like this? Or do I make canvas? Yust find a new tool to use for the rigging, its used to remove tick insect😊 Svein.erik
  7. Thanks chuck, learning from the best😉 I do have the ropewalk but ...... am lazy right now, haha so I got the best rope from syrenshipsmodellcompany😊
  8. Finish the main mast and soon finish the fore mast, I did resive all the rigging line from chuck today so I can start making all the corronades rigging lines ahead of time and also do the rigging of the lower mast, here is a photo of the main mast! Svein.erik
  9. Thanks for the liks!! waiting for all the rope from chuck, so wile am waiting I making some progress on the mast😊 Svein.erik
  10. Hello everyone, back on the syren build I finish making the corronades hooks ,need to blacken them. I also made one bloks an hook yust to see how it looks , its about 6mm+ totalt and thats it☺ I cant make them smaller than that. So am starting now to make them all! Svein.erik
  11. I do Not have words, but its a master pice 😲 some day I hope to carve my self😊 wat tools have you used to carve all the little small items? Svein.erik
  12. Hello everyone, I finish the top cotes and started the weathering , I do have to say am a bit rusty after all the years I bin away making plastic model, I do like wood better its not that messy and I do Not need so many cooler etc but its a fun projekt, soon I starting up the syren again🙊🙈
  13. Thanks everyone for the liks, its going farword, yust over spray it with fx 69 Nato black the nex step is to make a mix of sky gray fx 19 and medium blue fx 18 I wil do this in this weekend 😊 some Items is not glued on yet, guns etc... am painting this off ship. The wire for the ramp is also not on yet, I do that after painting the model. The rope wire from trumpeter is crapy , so I use 025 black rigging rope from syrenshipsmodellcompany (chuck's super rope) as the ramp wire😊 Svein.erik
  14. A brake from the syren. so am doing a side prodjekt, am building a lcm3 landing craft and some other stuff , I will also build a LCVP from Italeri all this will be put in a diorama based on operasjon Overlord (D-day) Am not there yet on how the diorama wil look at this time, and how big. but I think there wil be some waves and bomb to it. am using airbrush for the painting , the pain I use is from tamiya, washes /pigment from AK The truck is not finished yet! Svein.erik
  15. Hi Klaus Were did you order this tread ? (Online) or store? Svein.erik
  16. Thanks everyone for the likes 😊 now the syren is looking as a brig, all the corronades is finish, not glued to dekk yet. Its time to make hooks and rope, or...... I may have to order the rope from chuck for the rigging do to I havent got the tread or I dont no wat costumer to used so I can make my own rope (later later) Svein.erik
  17. Time goes by, working on the corronades 😊 (not photo yet ) But I do have one of me ! And have a grait cristmas 😊
  18. Hi Boyd and thanks for comments, by the way , Your victory is a beauty 😄 Am stil working on my syren and cant wait to do the rigging LOL... and I thing the triton is an interesting prodjekt , for me it's about learning to build POF ships . I only have 3 year's of shipsmodel building, so I my have to ask you for help. .....😉 My first task is to get the wood I want to use for the hull and make a plan for how I want my triton to look etc. Have a grait cristmas 🍻 Svein.erik
  19. Hi everyone 😊 Yust started to get all of the drawings and I have now printed all the A4 , A1 and A0 I do need to get the wood for the hull , there is some local hero's not far from me 😁 they have some cherry 1,5"×4" some oak, walnut, purpleheart.... And I have at home some blackthorn wood . the model wil have a mix of boxvood and yellow cedar for innboard planks and detaling and hull planking from the wales up. This is my first POF😲🙈so maby this is a bad ide'!!!! Photo 3 is the blackthorn wood Svein.erik
  20. Some more fittings has been dunn, pin rails are in place (not glued yet) I used some scrapp wood for this so it stas at the same hight, the davits is in place, catheads are made (not install yet) and am making new belaying pins also, for this I used some leftovers from chuck's gratings kit (boxvood ) and used dremel to turn them 4 made ,70-80 to go LOL😲 and it small to.... ( and I used some gum back of the scrapp wood so I got my hand free when drilling etc) Svein.erik
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