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    Wellington, New Zealand

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  1. It looks superb! The upper deck is where I really applied the plank fan. Much more fanning needed there...But it doesn't look like you can do anything wrong!
  2. Hi Maurice That old penny colour can be naturally achieved...It's holding strong on my Fly and has improved further with age. (Must get back to it - finish that ship). Your Harpy and the copper is looking very good.
  3. Hello Francois It is great to see another trabaccolo underway! I have been absent from my work on this for months; family, work, travel and, more recently, a leg injury (broken kneecap) which makes it very hard to get down my steps into my building place. I'm a bit ahead of you but not by much. As you say, the interior planking is a real challenge when working between the frames. Yours looks very clean, cleaner than mine. I was a bit more casual as so little of it will ever be seen. When my kneecap is better, I will get downstairs and get on with it. It is a great subject, a stunning kit and Marisstella's support is fantastic.
  4. Stunning work Cisco! This is turning into the bench mark for an unpainted AVS. My route, painted, was an easier way, but yours will turn into a much more admirable outcome!
  5. The biggest mistake that I sense with breeching ropes in models is enough slack in them to let the recoil position to allow for reloading. The movie, Master & Commander, shows it. You can't reload if the barrel is still sticking out of the port. Where the bolts are is less relevant IMO. An overly tight rope is a worse mistake!
  6. No stains. The planking for the upper deck is matai - a New Zealand native species of red pine. I used a veneer sample to do it. Super thin. I think it is nice to distinguish this element. The main deck is holly I think? (I can't remember). The rest is straight out of the box. The main deck, which once looked white, has turned yellow/brown over time and looks better for it. Everything was just clear finished.
  7. Agree with CiscoH. The deck needs to be an arch for the stern plus the finishing planking layer. Don't mean to hijack but you kind of want it to look like this in terms of shape:
  8. It really is such an extraordinary kit! I'm feeling very tempted to try but will finish what I have on the bench first.
  9. Those windows look very good to me! So much better than my effort with the kit supplied ones and even the wonkiness of my effort doesn't bother me anymore.
  10. I'm just a scalpel - number 11 blade - and sandpaper guy. Hasn't let me down on six hulls to date.
  11. On the topic of work lights. I have a Hadrill Horstmann Pluslite English industrial angle poise from the 1940s. It was for reading maps so has a foldout magnifying glass. It is endlessly adjustable and perfectly counterweighted. The multiple arms are chrome plated. If you can find one, I highly recommend but they are very rare. They are beautiful to look at in their own right.
  12. I'd like to see you finish it Ryland! I actually enjoyed the next phase - masts and rigging - much more than I expected. Now it is gathering dust in our dining room - I clean it every year and I still get a kick out of looking at it.
  13. I recall all of these issues. It's the nature of the thing. Keep going and it'll iron itself out in the end.
  14. Wow. I'd never really thought about CAF until I saw this. It looks like an incredible kit. Will be following!
  15. Thanks. Didn't mean to hijack this topic but it all pertains.
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