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  1. I have an update!!! I just got sick and tired of this unfinished model mocking me every-time I looked at it in the display case. About 6 weeks ago I decided to finally finish it. Here are some photos of where I'm at today:
  2. Masts finished and stained with Minwax Natural. After carefully studying the plans it seems that the masts are raked 4 deg. aft - so the mast holes were modified to allow that - then masts were glued in. I had some rope that I had made up on my Domahoff rope walk and I'm using that so far.
  3. I've done a little more on the masts and bow...and yes I realize the top is on backwards. It's now fixed. More pics soon.
  4. Ok - I'm back on the job. I'm going to finish this thing. The first thing I've done is hang up some of the ship plans then sort the various dowels in the kit according to their callout on the plans. I've also included some pics of my small work area.
  5. Thanks for the kind comments. Yes I did use the boats supplied in the Heller kit.
  6. I did finish the Heller model of the Victory on June 14, 2017. I just didn't update my much abbreviated log here. You can find the full build log on my website... www.bishophobbies.com. Here are the links on my website for the build pages: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Below are the final pics taken in October of 2019 Cheers - Paul
  7. Greenstone - to answer your question - no further progress. The finished hull still sits in the display case and yells at my to finish it every time I pass by. I will get back to it.
  8. John - really an amazing job. I will soon start my Surprise by AL and will use your log as a guide. Do you recall what size of Coats & Clark thread you used and the colors? I have a rope walk I purchased from Domanoff and will be using that.
  9. It's been 3 months, so here is an update on my build of the Brigantine Phoenix with the cannons installed and rigged.
  10. Here is another update of my wood ship model - Brigantine Phoenix. I've added a few more deck items and finished the bow area. I've used almost no paint on this - it's all Minwax natural, ebony, dark walnut and golden oak.
  11. Another update - I've redone the deck color and added some deck furniture and the rudder hinges.
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