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Everything posted by Beckmann

  1. Slate was propably used to cover a qgallery in those days. Here is an old shingle together with the Winnie. The qgallery of HMS Surprise has a comparable construction. My daughter visited the ship in San Diego in 2017. Here is a picture. HMS Victory and HMS Trincomalee have both Black roofs over the qgallery.
  2. I prefer the dark roof. This is a peace of architecture. The focus is on the columns and the moldings and windows. The upper and lower framing ( roof and frieze) have to be darker in order to make a contrast. Otherwise it might look a bit out of balance in my opinion.
  3. The Photo of Minerva is excellent. Would you mind putting some more photos from that CD into the gallery of contemporary models?
  4. The model of HMS Amzon, you mentioned above in your post of July 4th, has a white (or light grey) painted great cabin and even a white painted ceiling in that cabin.
  5. Chuck, your Quartergallery is very impressive. As the gunports are painted red, and the painted freezes are added as well, my question is: will the captains cabin from inside be painted in any kind of color, white for example? That would mean, that the inside of the quarter gallery could be painted white, or light grey, or even red as well. My other Question is: are you going to install toilets in both quarter-galleries? That would be a bit funny for just one person. But on the other Hand, it might make sense, regarding luv and lee. Matthias
  6. The complete set of ivory-windowframes is now clean. But before installing them on the model there is still a lot of planking to do.
  7. The laser didn't cut all the way through the material, so it is a delicate thing to get them out without breaking them. Obviously I again was not patiently enough
  8. I will make an attempt to clean it! You are right, it really is a miracle, how they did this in earlier times with primitive tools and no technical help.
  9. Here we go with my ivory experiment. As I said above, I use some old piano keys, wich are about 100 years old. I had to clean them, for they are very dirty. Then I made a CAD-drawing from the windows. An old woman! who runs a laser-cut-company nearby made the cutting for me. It was not easy, because eather the ivory gets yellow or it doesn't cut through the material. But she did a good Job and this is the result. What do you think? The upper side withe the laser char. the backside without the char. I am not shure, which one I prefer. The little fence for the quarter gallery broke into pieces when I cut it lose. It is just too delicate.
  10. For getting the notch around the gunports right, I made myself a little "help".
  11. Hello Mike, your Winni Looks fantastic. Are you going to nail all the planks or not? Matthias
  12. Hello Jack, are you still working on this project? It looks fantastic. I have seen the original model in paris among with the models from the "Trianon collection" in 2017, before they closed the museum. The figurehead is beautiful. Matthias
  13. No problem. I am happy I didn't misunderstood all that complicated inch-stuff. We use mm over here. Your Windows look great. I want to try making them from ivory. I got some old ivory from a piano. It need to be sanded clean. But I will give it a try.
  14. I just read, that the second layer for the wales is 7/32 x 3/64 as well. So I will need another 20 planks of that size. I will have to place an order for more 7/32 sheets soon. So it is altogether 48 strips of that size. (The material list says 23 strips) I hope, I didn't misunderstand anything.
  15. So I just cut some more. I hope I got enough sheets. There is another strip 7/32 on top of the 1/4 strips. I will have to cut at least 5 more.
  16. This weekend I did some planking. I sometimes doubt, whether I took the right strips. I used 7/32" x 3/64". I cut 23 of them. That will be enough for 4 planks in each side. But the 5th on top of them should be the same one or not? Taking 2,5 planks for one length, I used already 20 strips. The remaining 3 strips will not be enough for a 5th. row. With wich plank are the wales doubled up later on?
  17. Hi, Your carvings look superbe. I admire your patience, I must admit, I used the resin casting ornaments. Yours look very good! It is definitely worth the efford. It will make a difference to the model. Matthias
  18. Thank you. So that is chapter one finished. Chuck, perfekt timing!! You just posted chapter two.
  19. Chuck, thank you for the Pictures, that helpes a lot. I make another pair of them. The bow itself seems to be more like a semicircular and not pointed round (is that the word?) The angles have to follow that, so mine is too sharp.
  20. I dont know the exact english word. It is very dilute varnish. You usually apply it after sanding, before you start to paint the surface. It closes the pores of the wood if you know what I mean.
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