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Everything posted by Beckmann

  1. SLR0346, a frigate from 1805 has got red coamings as well. At least in the waist. The quarter deck coamings are black.
  2. Hi Martin. A phantastic model. What a highlight for each livingroom. I made a display case out of special wood strips you can buy for cases. They fit for 4 mm glass. I painted them black. But you can also give them some varnish. Then just buy the 5 peaces of glass and stick it together with some transparent silicone. Leave the top and maybe the front glass without silicone, so you can open it, if necessary. It worked well. Here is a photo of the display case. Matthias
  3. Maybe the coamings on the quarter deck were painted black to give them a better protection, because they were more exposed to the weather. This might have not been necessary in the waist.
  4. This is the profile I tried to come close to. I made the scraper out of an old saw blade. I used dremel and files to form it. then scraping the boxwood strip. With not much force. and then bending and gluing it in position I find bending this profile really difficult. It is so small, but very resiliant when you want to bend it. Matthias
  5. I made an attempt to make the moldings. Havent done that before. How do you guys do that? Matthias
  6. Hi Mike, the moldings look brilliant. Would you mind showing us your scraper and how you made it? Thanks Matthias
  7. I made some corrections. First I managed to carefully cut loose the stern frame from the planks and filler peaces. Then I reduced the length of the planks a tiny little bit, in order to get the stern frame a bit more upright. Next, I removed the bottom peace of the qgallery. After checking with the Papier template I glued it in position again. Matthias
  8. Chuck, I certainly will. And thank you for your patience. You are amazing, spending so much time getting my model right. Matthias
  9. Hmmmmmm.... I propably forced the stern frames too much back, when I glued the filler pieces between the last bulkhead and the stern frame. This can not be corrected any more. Maybe I must make new quarter gallery windows with a tiny little bit more distortion. Otherwise the forward ending of the quarter gallery will lift too much up. The angle must be parallel to the planking. Is that right?
  10. Hi everybody. Today I installed the Qgallery windows. I printed some dark grey paper and glued it into the filler peace. The other windows are not glued in position jet. Matthias
  11. After the ivory experiment wit the stern windows, I could not resistent trying to somehow use my ebony piano keys. So here is the result. I hope you are all well. Matthias
  12. Hi Rusty, I am not shure, but check your left and right stern frame. They seem to be too wide. I made that mistake and it was awful to correct it after having glued the transom in position. Matthias
  13. They happen quite often in my building of Winchelsea. I hope, I can reduce that in future.
  14. I had a little battle with my Winnie and that is the result. First I removed the small planks behind the door to the Qgallery. Then I shortened the 3 planks above and cut them loose from the frame. After correcting the shape of the frame I added the Qgallery transom peace and glued everything together again. I think it is close to the position it should be now. And thank you Chuck and Mike for your help. Matthias
  15. Hi Doug, I am fine thank you. It has been a while now, that I did some work on Leon. I was pulled away by Chuck‘s Winchelsea. But I will certainly keep working on Leon. Concerning the companionway, I am not shure. But there is so little space and the hatch is in the way. So I just did not add it yet. I will have to do some more research. Matthias
  16. Thanks Chuck for the advice. I will carefully try to correct the shape by removing the short planks behind the door to the Qgallery, maybe I manage to cut lose the 3 planks above and then correct the shape of the frame. Today the parts of chapter 3 arrived, so I have a good guide with thd laser cut part.
  17. Yesterday I glued tue transom in position. All looked well. The ivory windows fit is not bad as well. but today I realised, that I produced a severe problem by not sanding down the outer frames enough. I don't know how to fix that yet. I have seen this problem in some other build logs as well, so check that guys, before you glue the transom in position. Matthias
  18. Thanks everybody for the likes and comments. As always I know, it could have been better, but you are right, I am happy, it is done, and I am looking forward to the next chapter wich will be a spectacular one. Matthias
  19. Yesterday I finished planking the starboard side by adding the stern post. I did some sanding, but that is not completely finished yet. Here are some photos. and some more pictures from the hull upside down.
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