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    leginseel got a reaction from mtbediz in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, not posted for a little while as I've been busy on the masts, yards and spars.  Didn't post while I was doing them as I thought it would be better to post the whole lot, so here goes

    This shows all three masts with their respective yards.

    Fore Mast Yards

    Main Mast Yards

    Mizzen Yards

    Bowsprit Yard and Jib

    I will now start on the standing rigging and I am still pondering whether to attach the sails or not.
  2. Like
    leginseel reacted to zappto in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Very nice progress. You are doing very clean rigging. Did i noticed started ratlines on the masts? You started before placing on the ship?
  3. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from zappto in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Zappto, As with all first time builders I'm in uncharted territory but I'm thinking that I will do as much of the standing rigging and ratlines that I can while the masts are off the ship which will allow me a little more room to work.  Thank you for your kind comment.
  4. Like
    leginseel reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Shipyard Update:
    Thanks for looking in on the progress fellow shippy's.
    Mast Yards - Parrels:
    I decided to create a smaller Parrel set for the smaller masts.
    The 10mm set seemed too big to wrap around the Main, Fore & Mizzen TopMasts and outer Bowsprit yard.
    Below is a 7mm version 3D printed in wood filament, with small 2.4mm brass trucks(balls).

    Above is straight off the bed of my 3D printer.
    I still get a drag of filament between each item, but it is easy to trim off.
    The back(the sacrificial bottom layer) just peels off.
    A few little holes, but a sand, stain and at the scale you don't see it.

    A Jig to hold the Ribs whilst the holes are drilled as before.
    A trial Parrel set made up.
    Ribs ready to drill at the bottom.

    7mm Parrel wrapped around a 6mm dowel. 

    Same 7mm Parrel around a 6mm dowel.
    Lots of blocks, ropes to go now.
  5. Like
    leginseel reacted to BANYAN in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Very nice job on the parrels Dave; the fun part is fitting them   The printed versions look great with a uniform size and shape, and they look just like real wood.  I did find some elongated beads but noting that looked right to provide the small oversize relative to the parrels themselves; your beads look about right at 1:60.
    I fitting the parrels I cheated a little.  At one end I left a loop which went over the yard end and brought to the centre which simply left one end (two tails) to wrap around the yard.  I passed these back and forth several times within the valley and then only had to tie off one end.  Made it a bit easier but still took a bit of 'practice' to do in-situ.
  6. Like
    leginseel reacted to md1400cs in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Brilliant with parrels. I'm sure that we will see more builders incorporating 3D printing work for their builds. Prices are sort of still out of reach for many, but as with all tech that will change. That said the printers will eventually become an invaluable tool (along with understanding how to use the needed software prompts) IMO.
    PS: Your work is indeed excellent -glad to be following along and learning as well.
  7. Like
    leginseel reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Shipyard Update:
    Mast Yards - Blocks and Parrels:
    A bit of an update the the Yards.

    Above are the 11 Yards with the various Tye & Stop cleats, Ferules on the ends, and the main & fore fitted with boom irons.
    I decided to paint the central areas Matt Black and the outer ends with a cedar wood stain.
    Next was onto the blocks, ropes and Parrel fit-out to the various Yards:
    What has taken a lot of time, was working out the sizes of the many blocks.
    Being my first model of this nature, learning a lot along the way, making it up as well...
    Many resources have detailed pictures and rope sizes, my kit plans were again useless again in this area.
    The AoTS indicates with scale the various attachments.
    Using David Steel's Rigging Tables, I hope I have worked out the block sizes to use.
    Jeer Blocks:

    I started with the Fore Yard Jeer blocks - 2 x 7mm double(7mm because this was the size I used for the mast blocks)
    Double strops derived from a trial fit around the mid section of the yard.

    One completed.

    2 Jeers on the yard, temporary fit.
    The Parrels:
    My kit did not have any Parrel parts.
    Define parrel: a rope loop or sliding collar by which a yard or spar is held to a mast in such a way that it may be hoisted or lowered.
    I noted in Pay Banyan's log, Steve had dropped in a Parrels page from "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships".
    The Ribs being 2' long and 8" wide.
    At 1:60 equates to !10mm x 3.4mm in frame size. 2" tick ~ 0.84mm 
    Why not use my 3D printer with wood filament to create the Ribs.

    I won't go into the process, however printed 3 sets of Ribs, shown above.
    They are a bit rough on some of the edges, but after some sanding come up quiet well.

    Above the Jig for drilling of the rope holes. The top Rib is not formed well, so used as a drill template.

    The black beads(for the trucks) are 4mm dia, a bit larger than I wanted, and not oval as in the Parrels page from "The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships".
    However make use  of what one has on hand.

    Above shows:
    1. To the right a jig for drilling the 2 holes for the rope to pass through.
    2. In front, some Ribs sanded and drilled.
    3. Each Rib I stain and later will clear coat.
    4. A test setup of the Parrel on a mock-up section of Fore-mast
    At this scale, all the little errors disappear.
    I am concerned though the scale is a wee bit too big, may be fine for the Main and Fore Yards.
    Might need to scale the set-up down for the smaller yards.
    Lots more thought to go into all this yard rigging and fit-out to go on with....
  8. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from OrLiN in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, not posted for a little while as I've been busy on the masts, yards and spars.  Didn't post while I was doing them as I thought it would be better to post the whole lot, so here goes

    This shows all three masts with their respective yards.

    Fore Mast Yards

    Main Mast Yards

    Mizzen Yards

    Bowsprit Yard and Jib

    I will now start on the standing rigging and I am still pondering whether to attach the sails or not.
  9. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Srodbro in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, not posted for a little while as I've been busy on the masts, yards and spars.  Didn't post while I was doing them as I thought it would be better to post the whole lot, so here goes

    This shows all three masts with their respective yards.

    Fore Mast Yards

    Main Mast Yards

    Mizzen Yards

    Bowsprit Yard and Jib

    I will now start on the standing rigging and I am still pondering whether to attach the sails or not.
  10. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from cristikc in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, not posted for a little while as I've been busy on the masts, yards and spars.  Didn't post while I was doing them as I thought it would be better to post the whole lot, so here goes

    This shows all three masts with their respective yards.

    Fore Mast Yards

    Main Mast Yards

    Mizzen Yards

    Bowsprit Yard and Jib

    I will now start on the standing rigging and I am still pondering whether to attach the sails or not.
  11. Like
    leginseel reacted to Zarkon in HMS Victory by Zarkon - Constructo - Scale 1:94   
    Thank you for the advice! I have started to build up the inside walls according the the plans in the book.  I also built one gun carrage to test fit to make sure the guns will fit properly (inside and having the gun protrude enough out of the ship). 

    I will post more of the walls once I have the time. I also will utilize your advice and add some strengtheners between the frames. I'm also adding a few nail markings like I did on the deck floor once I use the sealer, they will be a little more noticeable.
  12. Like
    leginseel reacted to Paul0367 in HMS Victory by Paul0367 - Constructo - Scale 1:94 - First wooden ship build   
    Not what to do especially with the tricky netting but somehow I feel I’m not alone doing this, dropping my snips above the deck, the ship looks battle worn. Well after an hour af extra work she is repaired and on I go with the rigging. 

  13. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Fernando E in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Now I'm onto the Foremast, here are some photos of where I've got to

    Now I need to fit all the deadeyes to the Top but I'm leaving that for another day.
  14. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from zappto in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Now I'm onto the Foremast, here are some photos of where I've got to

    Now I need to fit all the deadeyes to the Top but I'm leaving that for another day.
  15. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Fernando E in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone and thank you for the likes.  Been busy starting on the Masts and Yards so here are the photos of my recent efforts.

    I'm sorry to say that some of my rigging is not up to the standard of most of you guys but I've gone 'off piste' as the kit calls for all the blocks to be rigged with wire and I really wasn't happy with that so I've done my best with the cotton cord.
  16. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from cristikc in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Made a bit more progress today and fitted the bowsprit

    Just got the deadeyes to tie off.
  17. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Fernando E in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Made a bit more progress today and fitted the bowsprit

    Just got the deadeyes to tie off.
  18. Like
    leginseel reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Shipyard Update:
    Yards are on the build:
    We're underway making the yards.

    All(11) of the Lower, Top-sail, Top-gallant, Spirit, Spirit-topsail & Gaff(off the mizzen) Yards on their way.
    I added a block to shape for each of the Stop cleats and Tye cleats.
    Yet the construct the outer and inner boom ironwork. Next task.

    How I added the battens to the mid sections of the Lower & Top-sail Yards.
    I used a section of Aluminium tube to square of either end - before round sanding the batten edges.

    I shaped a dummy mast section to shape the jaw, for a snug fit.

    Couple of pictures of the lower end(jaw) of the Gaff, scarf joint with hoops(a wrap of thin black card).
    Detail as per AoTS p93
    Next to fashion the Boom Ironwork for the Main & Fore Lower Yards.
    Must ensure the hoops face forward(eh Pat !) for the studdingsail booms.
  19. Like
    leginseel reacted to Paul0367 in HMS Victory by Paul0367 - Constructo - Scale 1:94 - First wooden ship build   
    Aaaaah I know it’s difficult so see on the picture but I have only rigged the upper mast section and 3/4 the way up with the same line as the lower,,, ahhh and it’s way two thick, there are a few other lines that are being replaced with the correct size too. the only saving grace is there not notted or glued yet so it’s quite easy to sort. Steve I will be visiting the site you have pointed me too regards the sails, thanks.
  20. Like
    leginseel reacted to Zarkon in HMS Victory by Zarkon - Constructo - Scale 1:94   
    I finally finished one of the walls on the middle deck! Whew! I also made some small doors too. I know that this wall is not actuate,  nor is it in the right place.  But I'm not making the full middle deck and I just needed something to cover up the bare frames.  I am currently working on the other wall for the other side of the ship. I positioned the doors so they are slightly open. 


  21. Like
    leginseel reacted to Paul0367 in HMS Victory by Paul0367 - Constructo - Scale 1:94 - First wooden ship build   
    I am actually enjoying this rigging stuff now but realise the spars have to be installed before any of the rigging fitted can be fastened down and become live, as you know a lot of spar fastenings are tied off inbound and all the above will get in the way. I now have to consider the sails and learning to furl the lower ones.The ship is becoming a ship now as the rigging already positioned gives it so much character. 
    I have had to get the rat lines out of the way to see where I’m at and this was the only way I could think of getting rid of them l, for now

  22. Like
    leginseel reacted to CaptainSteve in HMS Victory by Paul0367 - Constructo - Scale 1:94 - First wooden ship build   
    Probably a good idea to mount your sails (furled and otherwise) to the spars before you fix them in place. If you are looking for ideas for your sails, check out some of JerseyCityFrankie's work.
    (By the way, your first picture above makes your ship appear to be some kinda Dystopian bird trying to take flight)

  23. Like
    leginseel reacted to John Allen in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Got in a little late, very nice build don't worry about the rigging it looks might fine. Sometimes we have to ad lib but in no way does it take away from your build. Kudos
  24. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from zappto in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone and thank you for the likes.  Been busy starting on the Masts and Yards so here are the photos of my recent efforts.

    I'm sorry to say that some of my rigging is not up to the standard of most of you guys but I've gone 'off piste' as the kit calls for all the blocks to be rigged with wire and I really wasn't happy with that so I've done my best with the cotton cord.
  25. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from John Allen in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone and thank you for the likes.  Been busy starting on the Masts and Yards so here are the photos of my recent efforts.

    I'm sorry to say that some of my rigging is not up to the standard of most of you guys but I've gone 'off piste' as the kit calls for all the blocks to be rigged with wire and I really wasn't happy with that so I've done my best with the cotton cord.
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