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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Oh wow nice! Im so mad its coming out horrible! I used thin CA glue for the ladder so it filled in the gaps between rungs. So now when I paint it, it wont even look like a ladder. I have to rip it off now. I can either go without a ladder which wont make sense or try to buy 1/200 PE ladder set somewhere. Im so stupid. On the bright side thin CA would make great clear window panes.
  2. That looks great! We are at the same point on our bismarcks!
  3. Thank you Telp! 1/200 scale PE makes me go cross eyed it's so small so Can't imagine how small 1/350 would be. I was thinking of trying a wooden ship and the 1/200 Missouri simultaneously after the bismarck. I also like painted PE but make sure you prime PE before painting it, I dont and it chips very easily.
  4. She has risen. Other than railings, a few stairs and a couple more deck fittings this section is done.
  5. She rises... I must admit its coming out better than I thought although it doesn't show in the photos.
  6. Thanks Robin, it looks so much better in person. you're either talking about the vent tube in the back corner that starts at the bottom and goes up the back. Or the signal lamp with the catwalk around it. Err atleast i think its a vent lol.
  7. Thank you Backer! So this next piece is on hold. There is few PE catwalks that go with this around the signal lights. Not only did I forget to paint them but I also bent my airbrushes needle. I have the needle on order hopefully it comes quick.
  8. I wonder if mini vacuum kit will actually be usefull in dusting the Bismarck. For $5 its worth a try.
  9. She grows a little more. I turned the light way down, maybe you can see more shading now.
  10. Sorry the last pictures had too much light. You could not see the shading. This is a little better.
  11. I started finally construction of this super structure piece. There is still ALOT of deck fittings and railings and everything else to do, but I've started. I love how the life rafts came out. And to think I hated them and was going to repaint them.
  12. Thanks guys, yes shading is a better term. Thats what I'm so afraid of , ruining the model. I'm still not happy with the shading though. Maybe its because I've been looking at it to long. Perhaps it will look better to me in the morning. Oh wow! Those weathered ships are amazing. Cog, I'm sure ur models put mine to shame. I haven't done this in 27 years since I was 11 lol. So today is exactly 1 year since the Bismarck got delivered to my house, my how time flys. I put some deck on but had to stop there for the day.
  13. Im not happy with the weathering. Its matches what I weathered months ago but I'm just not happy. Before After It matches whats on the ship though. on the up side I love putting on these decks.
  14. Yves thats true. I was thinking the same thing. But I'm stuck, I already went kinda heavy on the first deck. I have to keep it consistant now I should of never went heavy from the start. And i' ve never weathered before either. I dont think I could go lite on weathering anyway lol. My next ship I will do a better job since i'll have a little bit of experience.
  15. More weathering. Do the life rafts look ok to anyone? I'm thinking about repainting them.
  16. Thank you Robin. It's true! I hope the BIG picture will be pretty cool to look at. I was home for 30 min so I quickly airbrushed some life rafts. Dont ask me why I chose white because I dont know. With all this painting lately theres going to be a whole lot of weathering or shading or washing the next few days. Which I like because thats what makes it come to life.
  17. I definitely have to work on my photography Cog. I finished airbrushing for today. Just a tiny step closer to completion. I love this piece, but I don't know why. I'm a wierdo I guess. I just keep staring at it. Bye for now!
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