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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Good morning every one! Today I sanded off 8 doors and replaced them with extra pontos doors. Instruction dont say to replace these but why not if they are extra right? also this was bothering me. Can you see what I fixed? im off to paint ill be back soon.
  2. I only bought the soldering iron for the masts. When the model is done the only thing that i want soldered are the masts. I just couldn't resist I had to try on a spare PE part. I have always wanted to scratch build something use just brass stock so maybe this will get more use than just a mast. I think I still may buy a torch and silver solder.
  3. My first practice solder joint. This is harder than i thought. The melting point of 50/50 solder is 420f. I had to turn it up to 850f before the heat transfered fast enough to the brass. I got alot to learn.
  4. Im very unhappy with how the electrical conduit came out. Its so crooked... I have to rethink how I apply them.
  5. Done with those 6 pieces. They Re now ready for paint. Theres alot of brass here so I think its best to use primer.
  6. I have the next 11 days off so im going to try to get alot done in that time. I haven't painted yet because I want to try tamiyas liquid surface primer. I dont knowwhy im going to prime as i dont think it needs it, but ill give it a shot. Electrical conduate, catapult catwalks, phone booths and signal light guard rails cut out ready to bend or apply.
  7. Finished this section. I think im going to airbrush this before I move on to the floor above this. And complete each floor one by one.
  8. Perfect John thanks! I will order that later. I must say I like Pontos better than MK1 PE. The PE itself has much more detail. I think the instructions are also better. this is how much more Pontos offers over MK1. And thats just for that piece. And theres still alot i wont use like the louvers. Don't get me wrong MK1 makes a great upgrade set, but on my next model I would have to go with Pontos... actually why not both again
  9. ooooh I'll have to go to home depot now. That's a great idea. hopefully they sell small chissels.
  10. Now that i think bout it, it was not sealed. Theres so much more pontos than mk1 with more detail, but There has to be an easier way of doing this!
  11. So i got the Pontos advanced add on set. Opened the box only to discover more than half of what should be in there is missing! There is only PE sheets. No resin parts no brass props no pipes, or rod stock at all. But the good news is i called freetimehobbies.com and he's going to send out everything thats not PE sheets. It's not there fault. So what happens? Freetimehobbies just gets screwed for the cost of one set? Thats not right.
  12. I can glue the chipped pieces into place with zap a gap then try to sand it smooth. But do you think it will really work? I will try.
  13. Ugh.. I'm so angry. I chipped these. I guess I should use A micro saw and not the exacto on resin. Well I gotta order another one.
  14. Painted a little bit more painted, weathered, assembled these little guys are about 100 years old.
  15. Thank you guys for all your suggestions. It helped alot. That video was great. So this piece that I planed on soldering seems like a nightmare. 4 joints close together. Maybe I should use CA glue?
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