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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. so cool! that 3D model just made me realize I'm gonna need like a metalic aluminum paint for the top. maybe tamiya makes an aluminum paint?
  2. thanks danny. our kits are different for sure I would like to try a card kit tho I would have no idea what I was doing. I also want to try a wooden ship as well! I have a dream where I buy $1500 worth of Proxxon tools and the Caldercraft victory. the Halinski should be really cool! those PE parts in the photo are actually MK1. I have both so I hope to use a lot from both Pontos and MK1. They are very different and both have there pros and cons. so I guess I have the best of both and the cons of both lol. tho if I had to pick.... probably Pontos.
  3. The next single piece is made up of 37 separate pieces. I love this! How cool is that.
  4. Oh Thanks Cog. So Now that the louvers are in I should pause, take a step back and study what has to go on this piece and in what order. Try to plan it. That way I'll try to avoid the mistake you made cog. It's nice snd easy to work with the MK1, just push the louvers out one by one with my knife. then simple glue the back screen in. then glue louvers over top and presto! I would have spent all day trying to assemble the pontos louvers. This was so awesomely easy!
  5. I had a eureka moment. Instead of try to assemble the pontos. I can use the pontos back screen with MK1 louvers... perfect!
  6. Ok so I have to start somewhere. I don't even know where to start so i started with the louvers. I have them from both Pontos and MK1. Pontos is 56 pieces and more detail. MK1 is 2 pieces. The louvers are just bent in place... nice and easy, but not as much detail. I dont know if it's worth all the time to try the pontos and probably fail anyway. I guess I will try pontos, Atleast when I fail I have MK1 louvers to fall back on.
  7. Me too Cog I'm excited! yes it certainly should be popeye! Thats if i do it right. I took these photos from the instructions. I can't wait to try to assemble these 2 parts. The first is Pontos, the second is MK1. the entire part will be a good mix of both PE companies.
  8. Thank you Rick! I'm afraid I won't be of any help in answering your question. I haven't in countered any references to that. Actually I'm not sure exactly what the AC recognition markings are though now I'm curious myself as I'm sure I got it wrong! I'm not as concerned about accuracy as I'm mostly concerned about just being able to complete her and make her look "cool" to anyone who comes across her in my home Today begins part 2 of 3 for the super structure. Though it's not as big as part 1 was there are alot of PE parts! I think this part will be just as much if not more work than part 1 was. I'm guessing This should take atleast a month, maybe 2 months. I'm super excited! This is my favorite peice on the ship! It all begins with cutting parts from the sprues. Sorry there's only 1 photo for now.
  9. that will do nicley Danny thanks! and at $18 a deal. as soon as I get paid friday I'm going to order it.
  10. Does anyone know if I can buy a photo etch set of these 20 mm flak guns anywhere. Even if its part of a bigger set. I know theres eduad, white ensign, ka, pontos. One of them must have a smaller set which has these guns. Or even a set with just guns. I broke the trumpeter guns and dont know what to do.
  11. Thank you Eric. It's been my pleasure as the advice I get here is great and plentyfull. Im just relieved people actually watch my build. I was starting to install the catspult catwalks and paravane booms. Just as I was getting started I got an emergency call into work, but before I left I got one catwalk on. Sorry it's not much progress.
  12. Thats life color! It sucks that i cant use them they have great paint sets. Great chart!
  13. Cog I have only ever done 2:1 ratio and only ever used tamiya. Seems to be working out ok so far. I had a horrible experience with lifecolor paints. Its to bad they have an entire kreigsmarine set with excellent colors. I have the set but its awful to Airbrush. I wonder which paint company has colors for the missouri? I dont think tamiya does but I'm scared to use anything else after the disaster with life color. Canute, warm water, thats a good idea! thanks for the tip.
  14. Thats a great idea John! I was going to buy it from micro mark $ 9.95 and $8 shipping for basically exactly what you just discribed. Thanks for the tip. Right now I just use a drop thats to big then touch a papertowel to it to exract the extra.
  15. THANK YOU! The top 4 rungs look solid. where it looks like the top of the ladder ends there's another 4 hidden rungs lol. but all in all I'm happy, it was waaaay worst before. Painting always takes long for me. after looking at what I had to paint I said to myself 15 drops of thinner and 30 drops of paint should do it. I ended up doing that 3 more times! I was way off! also I don't know if I should bother shading any of these pieces. maybe just the ladder on the mast?
  16. Took way longer than I thought to paint this. The new needle and nossle for my airbrush work wonderfully.
  17. I finished the paravane booms and bending railings to shape. Now it's time for some airbrushing.
  18. im starting to not like it also. especially with the thin CA. micro mark sells a pin glue applicator too Robin. I think something like that is what I should try next.
  19. I either use that thin applicator nossle, or a tooth pick with a blob of glue on a card.
  20. 2 hours for 1 paravane boom! One thing I cant seem to control is being sloppy with glue. I hope painting hides the sloppy CA glue everywhere. But i don't think I will ever be able to be as neat as people on this site. I don't know how they do it!
  21. oh If I don't like it after i paint it I will have to redo it! lol I cant go forward if I'm not happy. MK1 sells just the mast set and I will buy that and start over if i had to. but hopefully it's fine. Theres like 3 rungs on the top 3 on the bottom and 1 in the middle that might still be filled in. so I hope i can live with it.
  22. I did my best with the foremast. I think its ok. next I'm goong to attempt the 4 paravane booms.
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