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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Jean-Paul, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  2. Barbara, in the link below are several build logs of the Flying Fish. I'm sure you find the answer you need by browsing through those build logs. https://modelshipworld.com/search/?q=flying fish&quick=1
  3. Kai, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  4. Alex, welcome to MSW. Beautiful model, The time period from 1860 to 1900 is my favorite in ship building. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. I find interesting is the third photo in Valeriy's post # 80 showing a double jackstay. I'm only familiar with a single jackstay, why would a double have been employed?
  6. Eberhard and Rick, thank you. The ICU department at the UM hospital was absolutely wonderful, I'm eternally grateful to the whole staff. It's a miracle I tell ya, a miracle. Maggie is to be released from the rehabilitation facility this next Tuesday! After only three weeks since suffering a critical stroke she gets to come home. A very sincerer thank you to all of you for your prayers and well wishes. I can't say 'thank you' enough. The next phase of me being the primary caregiver is going to be a challenge. I've prayed for the strength of a thousand Angels so that I'll be able to manage her needs. Again, thank you. Keith
  7. Ian, am I wrong in thinking you haven't discussed these plans with your better half?
  8. Thank you, Tom. Thank you, Gary. We should hear this afternoon when the rehab facility expects Maggie to be released to come home. God's will be done.
  9. Gary, thank you for your prayers. I'd been home about 15 minutes when she had her stroke, If it had happened the following day I wouldn't have gotten home till almost 11 PM. Maggie is doing better than can be expected as today marks her first week in rehabilitation. She is walking well with the aid of a walker and she's making some progress with her left fingers. Looking back on my stroke and recovery she's way ahead of my timeline which I think is due to her receiving tPA and my not receiving the clot buster. She's still having difficulty swallowing and they continue to use a gum based thickener for her liquid intake and it's play havoc with her digestive track. She told them that if they continued to use the thickener she was going to quit drinking. That's the girl I married!
  10. Peter, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  11. Malcolm, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  12. To Bob, Pat, Glen, Brian, Eberhard, Andrew, Keith, Tom, JJ, Roel, Dave, Ryland, Chris, and Keith, a huge thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. My MSW family is a blessing, every interaction brightens my day. To answer Eberhard's question regarding Maggie's surgery..... they tried to find a vein to her heart first through the groin, then her arm, and lastly her wrist. They were able to remove 100% of the blood clot without any bleeding of the brain from the surgery. The surgery was a complete success, modern medicine is absolutely amazing! Guys, never pass up the opportunity to give your wife a hug and tell her that you love her. They are the most precious thing in our life because they make life bearable, without them we are nothing.
  13. Mark, Keith, Gary. and Rob, thank you for the comments and support.........it's going to be awhile before I get back to the Tennessee. Tuesday, the 6th of February, at 2:15 PM my dear Maggie had a critical stroke. Her heart threw a blood clot to her brain due to a irregular heartbeat. Fortunately I had just gotten home and I knew immediately she'd had a stroke, the ambulance had her to the Jackson hospital by 2:35 PM. She received a tPA shot at 4:30 PM while on the transport gurney to be care flighted to the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor for emergency brain surgery to remove the clot. It was touch and go for awhile but thank God she made it through surgery, then three days in ICU and four days in the stroke ward. The left side of her body was affected but she didn't suffer any mental issues, again, thank you Lord! She was then transferred to the Kresge Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Chelsea where she is going through therapy to learn to swallow liquids and regain the use of her left fingers. She is expected to be there at least a month before she can come home. Please pray for Maggie and myself, thank you Keith
  14. Derrick, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  15. It took my ole memory a minute to think back as to which ones are missing, it is Captain Kid, Independence, and the Kraken that are on loan. How did you ship them to Boston and were you concerned about about letting the children out of the house unsupervised?
  16. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  17. David, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  18. Glen, congratulations on another beautifully unique SIB. Do you have a photo of how you have your SIBs displayed?
  19. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  20. The way CA wicks into cracks it doesn't take much, there's no need to pond. A few applications with a needle applicator is sufficient.
  21. This post is a reason to smile when smiles for me have been few this past week. Thank you, Gary.
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