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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Thanks Rich……that is very nice. I did a little work on the forecastle. Rob
  2. Yes...it is always a challenge for the modeler(Namely myself) to forgo details that at a certain scale would either be impossible or impractical. Nothing worse then adding a detail that is out of scale. However..in some cases it is possible to get away with it, because you can mask the error either in quantity or by way of simple communal acceptability. A good example is fudging with copper plate scale for your model. Personally I expect to attempt to replicate the cabin moldings and box work as authentic as possible....and if not, I will employ the skill of illusion and mimicry. My coat of arms.😄 Rob
  3. Rich, I am so glad that you like the model and how it’s coming out I’m glad I can keep it close to the original, it’s been hard, but I think it’s looking pretty good. thank you for your confidence and your compliments.
  4. I spent a little time in the shop working out the figurehead getting her mounted and painted here’s a few pictures.
  5. Great drawing Rich....cept the pin rail stops at the start of the poop deck. Great drawing. Rob
  6. Wonderful work....even without all the data. Thanks for posting. I had a dentist apt yesterday so I didn't work on Glory.......I'll have updates tonight. Rob
  7. Indeed. Your image of the bulwark with the boy is exaggerated by being out of focus.....look at this image and zoom in on it, it is much clearer and it definitely shows the topgallant and all its details along with the main pin rail. Rob
  8. These closeups on both port and starboard show the pin rail and the fact the top gallant is not open like below the main rail. Rob
  9. How will you create your moldings? Just stack small molding to resemble molded trim? Rob
  10. Yep. Even the most accurate can miss hidden details. The photos of her conversion reveals the pinrail. I’ll be adding them soon myself. Rob
  11. Thanks Tom. I’m surely tentative to details, but my use of material to create said is crude at best. I’ll use any thing to get-er done. Again, thanks Rob
  12. Indeed……. McKay envisioned large cargo carriers. Designed to endure the brutal lower latitudes and their huge waves. That is the one real reason he built the leviathan Great Republic. The roaring 40’s were the most brutal of passages and the trip from there to Australia was the worst. His ships were designed for such passages. Hence their strength and size. Rob
  13. Setting the bowsprit/jibboom. She kind looks like the SanPedro image……
  14. Apparently the jibboom not only tapers down from its junction point at the bowsprit But apparently Narrows on either side as well and turns into more of an oblong square shape than round. I did make that slight adjustment but apparently I didn’t make it strong enough I’m not sure if it’s worth tearing everything up to do that replacement I’ll have to think about it. Rob
  15. Now all I need to do is add the Martingale mounting’s and all the rings to support the stays and the jacks stays and all the headgear.
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