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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. I'm not going to affix the bowsprit at this time...I just wanted to turn it down on the lathe and square up its base to the contour of the hull. And to make sure the banding was properly located and in scale. I will stop working on the monkey rail addition and such, and will resume after the muntz plates are installed. I will demonstrate how I make the embossed plate strips in my next installment. I have some left over from the Great Republic, but will need tons more. I devised a method that is quick and can be applied quickly. Sounds like my favorite song....*Quickly*. I'll be back to the shop next week..bringing more fun and mischief. Rob
  2. The true issue was making sure the framing matched up with the port at the right location. You don't want a port on the outside that doesn't match with the space available between the correct two frames inside....... Much pre-thought went into the construction. Thanks for the fine compliments. Rob
  3. Dry fitting the bowsprit......lots of work still to do..but there needs to be a beginning.. Notice the correct spacing and locations marked out for the banding....... the bowsprit will be cut to proper length after fit is satisfactory.
  4. I went right into adding some hull details. I started with the spillways or flushing ports and then added the hull cargo ports. Once I finish the muntz plating(which is next) and painting them metalic...I will give the entire hull a dull coat...coat to protect the weathering and to protect the muntz. The dull coat also covers up any glossy or shinny errors or things I don't want shinny. Rob
  5. Well I was able to sneak in a couple while my wife cut some customers hair and went berry picking with friends.......mmmmmmmm. So I finished laying the deck.
  6. THAT'S WHAT i CAME UP WITH..... I just needed confirmation...thanks. Rob
  7. Well lets go then sir......now you know how far the bar is set....😎 He stares at me everyday.....I'm a nervous wreck.....🤪
  8. Good news....Now I can fill the bowl with buttery popcorn and take a seat. Rob
  9. I'm with you. Personally I tend not to set dates for myself. I tend to have long periods of silence then moments of sheer construction madness. I will be making composite lower masts for my version....I think that was a significant detail and I want to mimic that. I have identified so many more details that I will be incorporating in this version that I failed to do on my last version. I also plan to fully mast her and rig her....but probably without sails this time. We'll wait and see. Rob
  10. Sweet approach....looking good Vlad. Can't wait for them strakes to get applied. Rob
  11. I like that idea. My first build of her was as she was originally constructed by McKay.....but because she had sucha lengthy life and plenty of mods....any time frame of her will be accurate. I just want to choose the busier time frame...the one with the most mods. I still have my original for comparisons.... Rob
  12. I muddled over this myself. Knowing that perception is everything...deciphering what, *painted pearl, relieved with white* means was a challenge. Modelers license permits me to actually paint as I see fit(with some direction...blue waterways). But as you describe....*what color of blue*? I've seen models with dark blue waterways and others with light blue(Mine included). IMV light blue transitions better to the pearl/white....hence my choice. All said and done....if one was to paint their model in a weathered fashion(such as I).....the paint would take on an entirely different character. Weathering actually releases you from the scrutiny of exactness....since the *HINT* of what it might have looked like is covered up with the natural grime and distortion of every day use. My coat of arms..... Rob
  13. No that is OK....I actually don't leave till Wednesday....but I have far too many things to do till then, that model building is probably not one of them. If you ask my wife. My technique is simple and rather expeditious. After the deck piece is cut...I use contact cement to glue it down. It aint going no where. What the bracing is for is to hold the trim against the waterway snugly while it dries. They simply press against the opposite side and hold the beam in place nicely. When dry, just slip them away and when ready, reuse them for the other side. In this scale I use pre scribed sheet decking. It is to scale...clean, perfectly aligned and most importantly...FAST, when applied correctly. I laid decking for my Clipper Western Shore model using single planks and it took a while...plus sanding it, to make it smooth and even took skill...to prevent any damage to the bulwarks (what a pain). This technique allows me to paint and sand the deck off model, which permits a very clean result quickly. As you may have noticed...if you have followed any of my other builds, is that I am not interested in the atypical processes...it is the finished product that matters to me, NOT what material lies under the paint, or what slick trick was used to by-pass tedious work. Thanks for the fine comments. Rob
  14. IMV...removing material is always easier then trying to add back what you just removed. Every thing is aligned and to scale. Thanks for peekin in. Rob
  15. I then flipper her over and prepped for the other side. That will have to wait most likely till I return from a visit to North Dakota. I'll be gone for a week....Till then enjoy and see ya !
  16. The deck was painted with a light brown..then the paint was rubbed off and then sanded. The paint remained in the deck pleats and gave the necessary aesthetics.
  17. Spent a bit of time working on laying the deck. Here are some images with the support beams to hold the deck trim and snug...they will be removed when dry.
  18. Personally I plan on replicating the cargo ports and the wash ports via scribe. They will not be open. It’s easiest that way but still accurate.
  19. Thank Marcus. She was a fun project and I agree, I like modeling ships weathered. And this historical example was a premium subject. History most Cutty Sark enthusiasts are not familiar with. Thanks for posting. My new(remake) of Glory of the Seas will incorporate ample weathering as well.
  20. Hi….. Medium doesn’t equate to size, but design. Extreme denotes the extreme clipper design, by a sharp entry and exit, focusing on speed qualities,Not cargo carrying ability. Medium implies more cargo carrying ability over speed.
  21. Thanks Rich. I like to weather everything as I go. I don’t just like to build the time frame of the vessel but also depict the wear as well. I’m going to focus on the construction of the chain plates and channels next.
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