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  1. I am building the "Atlantic" from the Bluejacket kit and found your blog while searching for others doing the same. Amazing! I certainly hope to follow your progress until the model is safely installed in the bottle. What type of magnification & lighting do you use while working? A photo of that would be appreciated. Very impressive work, thanks for sharing.
  2. I am nearing completion of the schooner "Atlantic" and have started to think of a display case for it. Anyone have any input about where to order such a case?

  3. 8/16/19 Rigged the topping lift short pendants with blocks at either end around the doubled main mast right above the top. 3 altogether, one for each mast. 8/17/19 Started mast rigging for the "runners". 6 long port & starboard pendants total which will attach down to deck rigging. Stopped one single eye off the model then Rove line through hole drilled through tops & mast. Strop block at other end. Almost done 2 complete, fore & main, one block left to attach for mizzen. Figuring out how to make the strops on the 4.3mm-5/32" blocks to appear seized has been a challenge. I have photos of any of this if anyone is interested. In the event no one is then think of the time I saved by not posting them now.
  4. Thomas, Of course it looks good all the way from Germany since I'm in Austin, TX! You can't see my mistakes that far away. Scale: 1/8 inch = 1 foot Etubino, Solid hull. The plans are under the model just to be a background for the photos. Nothing more mysterious than that.
  5. This is my first blog anywhere, ever. I joined NRG only a few weeks ago so the vast majority of the build was done prior to that which is why I am not showing the build from the beginning. So I will feel my way through. If anyone has any suggestions, comments or corrections about this model of the schooner "Atlantic" or this blog I would welcome them. I finished the hull and deck furniture as seen in the photo below. All of the deck furniture, cleats etc. were applied with epoxy. So now I am on to masting & rigging. 😬
  6. Pictured below are the 3 models I have built in the last 3-4 years. Before that it had been decades since I last built a model & they were all plastic planes with plenty of gluey fingerprints. So I am now in the middle of building Bluejacket's schooner "Atlantic" with most of the hull and deck work done. Since I had no experience with really complicated rigging I signed up for the rigging class offered by Nic Damuck of Bluejacket Shipcrafters and am really happy I did. Great course. I like photographing different stages of my models and would like to start a build blog but have never blogged before so if anyone has any advice about that I would greatly appreciate your input. Right now blogging seems as complicated as rigging! I learned about NRG at the rigging class and am hoping it is a good resource for my many questions that are sure to arise.
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